Install Java JDK and set it as the system's default Java kit.
Clone this repository and navigate into the directory.
Generate the public and private keys for the clients and the server according to the instructions provided here and store them in ./clientkeys
and ./serverkeys
Build the project
mvn clean install
Start the server
java -jar .\leshan-server-demo\target\leshan-server-demo-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -pubk .\serverkeys\cpubk.der -prik .\serverkeys\cprik.der -m .\models\
Start the client
java -jar .\leshan-client-demo\target\leshan-client-demo-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -n clientDTLS -m .\models\ -cpubk .\clientkeys\cpubk.der -cprik .\clientkeys\cprik.der -spubk .\clientkeys\serverPubKey.der