Full doxygen-generated documentation can be found here.
Throughout this readme, I will refer to several user-defined environment variables.
These are typically defined in T3/setup.sh
cmsrel CMSSW_9_4_6 # need at least this for Tensorflow C++ API
cd CMSSW_9_4_6/src
git clone https://github.com/PandaPhysics/PandaTree # data format
git clone https://github.com/sidnarayanan/PandaCore # core utilities
git lfs clone https://github.com/sidnarayanan/PandaAnalysis # analysis package
scram b -j8
Most of your code development will be in PandaAnalysis
data formats are semi-flat (i.e. singleton or dynamic array) TTree
They are defined using a metalanguage that is converted into C++.
The language contains a set of keywords.
One can define two types of branches:
- singleton:
branch_name type [filled=X] [default=X]
- array:
branch_name type[max_static_size] [tree_size=X] [filled=X] [default=X] [shifts=X]
These can be decorated with various keywords, either per-branch or in blocks (see below):
- shift:
shift:shift_name [opt1, opt2, ...]
- conditional:
cond:cond_name condition [? true_val : false_val]
- constants:
const:const_name val
Note that keywords can nest, i.e one could have a conditional that refers to a previously-defined constant. There can be no whitespace in definitions! Here is an example:
const:NJET 20
cond:hbb is_monohiggs||is_hbb
cond:njot (cond:hbb)?"nJotMax":"2"
shift:jetrings [0,1,2,3,4]
# branches
runNumber int filled=cond:hbb
dummyvar float[const:NJET]
The tree can then be generated by calling Flat/bin/generateTreeClass.py --cfg Flat/config/someThing.cfg
This will create a class called someThing
If you would like to add any custom code to someThing.[h,cc]
, do so between the //STARTCUSTOM
Most users will use the GeneralTree
class, which is intended for most analyses.
Here, I am going to talk about the structure of PandaAnalyzer
and its operators, but there are examples of more task-specific analyses in the code.
reads in panda
files and outputs GeneralTree
is essentially a container class that links together several things:
- An instance of
- An
object, defined externally, which defines the analysis, the input, the output, etc Config
instances, which contain, respectively, many configuration constants and useful utilities. These are initialized as a function of the aforementionedAnalysis
- Many
s, which do physics tasks. These can be chained together in a tree-like structure - A
, which holdsshared_ptr
s to objects that should be shared betweenAnalysisOps
(or really anywhere else inPandaAnalyzer
Here is what that looks like in an image:
The inheritance diagram for Operator
s looks like:
Operator # abstract class
\--> ConfigOp
\--> AnalysisOp = BaseAnalysisOp<GeneralTree> # also abstract
\--> ContainerOp
\--> GlobalOp
\--> BaseJetOp
\--> JetOp
\--> FatJetOp
\--> TFInferOp
\--> BRegDeepOp
Every realized subclass of AnalysisOp
must define a void do_execute()
function, which does the actual per-event execution.
Further virtual functions can be overridden as needed:
- Constructor and destructor, although it is preferred to use smart pointers whereever possible, so destructor should be avoided.
void do_init(Registry& registry)
: callregistry.publish
) andregistry.access
) as needed to publish and and access data by name.void do_readData(TString path)
: read any data to initialize member objectsvoid do_reset()
: called every event beforedo_execute()
void do_terminate()
: called at the end of each filebool on()
: whether the op is on or not, typically a function ofthis->analysis
Each BaseAnalysisOp
instance has a member function addSubOp<OP>()
, which adds a OP
instance to the calling op.
When the calling op's do_init
is called, this call is cascaded down to the sub-ops.
This is true for all do_*
functions, EXCEPT do_execute
Calls to do_execute
are left for the user to define in the calling op's do_execute
Note that the caller should actually call someSubOp->execute()
, not someSubOp->do_execute()
Here is an example of an op definition that shows most features:
class HbbSystemOp : public AnalysisOp {
HbbSystemOp(panda::EventAnalysis& event_,
Config& cfg_,
Utils& utils_,
GeneralTree& gt_,
int level_=0) :
AnalysisOp("hbbsystem", event_, cfg_, utils_, gt_, level_),
hbbdJet(std::make_shared<JetWrapper*>(nullptr)) {
deepreg = addSubOp<BRegDeepOp>();
bdtreg = addSubOp<BRegBDTOp>();
virtual ~HbbSystemOp() { }
bool on() { return analysis.hbb; }
void do_init(Registry& registry) {
currentJES = registry.access<JESHandler*>("currentJES");
looseLeps = registry.accessConst<std::vector<panda::Lepton*>>("looseLeps");
dilep = registry.accessConst<TLorentzVector>("dilep");
registry.publish("higgsDaughterJet", hbbdJet);
void do_execute();
void do_reset() { btagsorted.clear(); }
std::shared_ptr<JESHandler*> currentJES{nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<const std::vector<panda::Lepton*>> looseLeps{nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<const TLorentzVector> dilep{nullptr};
std::vector<JetWrapper*> btagsorted;
std::shared_ptr<JetWrapper*> hbbdJet;
BRegDeepOp *deepreg{nullptr};
BRegBDTOp *bdtreg{nullptr};
All AnalysisOp
s are added to PandaAnalyzer
in the constructor, even if your analysis does not want to run them.
Ops are turned on and off by AnalysisOp::on()
This adds a bit of memory overhead, but it's small in the grand scale of things and allows for more run-time flexibility.
One adds an op by calling ADDOP(OpClass)
The ops are executed in the order they are added.
Ops are called either before or after the preselections are checked (see below).
Depending on the needs of your op, you may want to put things in one place or another.
Here is an example of what an analysis can look like:
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> global (0)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> pre-sel (0)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> map (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> trigger (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> simplep (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> simplepho (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> recoil (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> fatjet (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> jet (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> jetflavor (2)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> isojet (2)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> bjetreg (2)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> vbfsystem (2)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> hbbsystem (2)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> bregdeep (3)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> tau (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> post-sel (0)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> hbbmisc (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> inclep (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> btagsf (1)
INFO [AnalysisOp::print ]: -> btagweight (1)
The abstract base class for all selections is Selection
All selections make decisions based on the GeneralTree
instance (a const pointer is provided).
There are two ways of defining your own selection:
- Define a sub-class of
that definesbool do_accept() const
- Define a sub-class of
by passing function with signaturebool f(const GeneralTree*)
to the constructor
The latter can be done in python as well:
from PandaAnalysis.Flat.selection import build
triggersel = build(root.Selection.sReco, 'Trigger', '(gt->isData==0) || (gt->trigger!=0)', anded=True)
Two things to note from this snippet:
- Pre-selections are added to
by theAddPresel
method - There are two types of pre-selection:
, which is called after a series of reconstruction-based ops, but before more computationally-intensive ops, andSelection::sGen
, which is called at the very end and reduces disk size.
Inside Flat/test
, there is a testing script that runs as:
./test.py /path/to/input/panda.root [DEBUG_LEVEL]
You have to open up the script and modify the number of events you want to run, the type of file it is (data, W+jets MC, etc), and what flags are on.
The analysis framework is heavily integrated with HTCondor resources at MIT. There are three running options:
- Using only the T3 (option
). This is used bycheck
since local filesystem access is needed. - Using the T3 with opportunistic flocking to the T2 (option
). This is default for analysis jobs. - Using the entire SubMIT grid (option
). This is failure-prone due to the heterogenity of the grid, but with aggressive resubmission, can be useful for CPU-intensive tasks. Instructions for this are below. By default, any available node that meets minimum requirements (memory, CVMFS access) will be used, as long as it either provides SL6 or is RHEL7 with Singularity available for SL6. However, Singularity is failure-prone on the T3 at the moment, so providing optionSL6
will restrict to SL6-only nodes. I recommend using the optionexport SUBMIT_CONFIG=T2:SL6
For what follows, I assume you're in $CMSSW_BASE/src/PandaAnalysis/T3
First, open up T3/setup.sh
This defines all the environment variables we'll need.
Make sure anything that is a path (PANDA_FLATDIR
,etc) is writable by you.
environment variables are used for running the jobs, and the PANDA*
variables are for running things on the outputs of the jobs.
points to a script inside inputs/
, that will define your analysis.
For a straightforward example, do export SUBMIT_TMPL=tnp_tmpl.py
Now, let's open up inputs/tnp_tmpl.py
as a concrete example and look at it.
The main function you have to worry about is fn
Here is an example:
def fn(input_name, isData, full_path):
a = vbf(True)
a.inpath = input_name
a.outpath = utils.input_to_output(input_name)
a.datapath = data_dir
a.isData = isData
utils.set_year(a, 2016)
a.processType = utils.classify_sample(full_path, isData)
skimmer = root.pa.PandaAnalyzer(a)
return utils.run_PandaAnalyzer(skimmer, isData, a.outpath)
./catalogT2Prod.py --outfile /path/to/config.cfg [ --include datasets to include ] [ --exclude datasets to skip ] [ --force ] [--smartcache]
I recommend you put the config in a web-accessible place for use in later steps. For example:
./catalogT2Prod.py --force --outfile ~/public_html/histcatalog/$(date +%Y%m%d).cfg --include TT --exclude TTbarDM --smartcache
The above command will do the following things:
It will only check datasets that contain
and do not containTTbarDM
in the dataset's nickname -
If a dataset is not found in
, it will guess the nickname of the dataset, give it a xsec of 1, and write it to the catalog (--force
) -
If the file does not exist locally on the T3, a smartcache request will be made
The output will be a timestamped web-facing config file
First, make sure the following environment variables are defined (some examples shown):
export PANDA_CFG="http://snarayan.web.cern.ch/snarayan/eoscatalog/20170127.cfg" # location of config file from previous section
export SUBMIT_TMPL="skim_merge_tmpl.py" # name of template script in T3/inputs
export SUBMIT_NAME="v_8024_2_0" # name for this job
export SUBMIT_WORKDIR="/data/t3serv014/snarayan/condor/"${SUBMIT_NAME}"/work/" # staging area for submission
export SUBMIT_LOGDIR="/data/t3serv014/snarayan/condor/"${SUBMIT_NAME}"/logs/" # log directory
export SUBMIT_OUTDIR="/mnt/hadoop/scratch/snarayan/panda/"${SUBMIT_NAME}"/batch/" # location of unmerged files
export PANDA_FLATDIR="${HOME}/home000/store/panda/v_8024_2_0/" # merged output
export SUBMIT_CONFIG=T2:SL6 # allow running on T3 or T2. if $SUBMIT_CONFIG==T3, then only run on T3
export SUBMIT_REPORT= # this needs to be defined, but I don't want to put hostnames on github. ask Sid
export SUBMIT_HDFSCACHE=1 # allow caching missing files in your private hadoop, to be shared with other users.
# if set to 0, caching will be done to the local disk, which is faster for single-use,
# but will require re-copying the input every time
should be the skimming configuration you wish to run your files through.
If you want, you can test-run a job locally:
./task.py --build_only --nfiles 1 # just build the job, with one file per job
cd $SUBMIT_WORKDIR # go to the working directory
python skim.py 0 0 # run the first job in the configuration
cd - # back to bin
./task.py --clean # clean up after yourself
To submit jobs, simply do
./task.py --submit [--nfiles NFILES] [--clean]
where NFILES is the number of files in each job. The default is 25 files if that flag is not passed. The clean argument will make sure to wipe out all staging directories to ensure a clean release (it's optional because sometimes you don't want to do this).
To check the status of your jobs, simply do:
./task.py --check [--silent] [--force] [--nfiles NFILES] [--monitor NSECONDS] [--submit_only]
Note that the above command overwrites $SUBMIT_WORKDIR/local.cfg
, with the intention of preparing it for resubmission.
The file will be recreated as a configuration to rerun files that are not present in the output and not running.
will skip the per-sample breakdown.--nfiles
will repackagelocal.cfg
into a different number of files per job.--force
will re-catalog files that are incomplete, not just missing.--monitor
will capture the terminal screen and refresh the status afterNSECONDS
has elapsed since the last refresh.--submit_only
will silently re-submit failed jobs if--monitor
is turned on.
To manually resubmit missing files, simply do
./task.py --submit
In the case that you are using the --force
option, make sure you have no running jobs before resubmitting, or you may end up with duplicated outputs.
Forcing resubmission is generally discouraged and is largely included for historical reasons.
The job framework is robust enough at this point that forcing should not be necessary.
To be absolutely sure you have no duplicated outputs, you can run:
./task.py --check_duplicates
# ./task.py --clean_duplicates # same as above, but it also deletes the offenders and prepares for resubmission
If you are having lots of failures, it may be interesting to analyze the logs located in $SUBMIT_LOGDIR
You can do this manually, or:
./analyzeLogs.py [--dump]
This will print to screen a basic analysis of the errors observed, which errors are correlated, and how frequently they occur.
If the --dump
flag is passed, then a directory log_dumps/
is created, containing detailed information on each failure class (where it failed and on for what inputs).
The above steps still apply, modulo a single change: the SUBMIT_*
directories must be on /data/t3home000/
and have 777
exists. Then, go into T3/merging
and do:
./merge.py [--cfg CONFIG] [--silent] TTbar_Powheg
to merge the Powheg TT sample, for example.
If provided, CONFIG
is the module that is imported from configs/
The default is common
, but there are others, like leptonic
To merge en-masse (e.g. many many signal outputs), you can do something like:
submit --exec merge.py --arglist list_of_signals.txt
This assumes that you have PandaCore/bin
in your $PATH
The submit
command will print a cache directory it created to keep track of the jobs.
You can check the status of the jobs by doing
check --cache <cache_directory> [--resubmit_failed]
The last flag is optional and will resubmit anything that failed (exited without code 0).
NB: the submit
and check
executables are very generic and don't know anything about the code they are running.
For them, "success" simply means "exited with code 0".
So it is important to check that the output looks sane to you.