Use Micromamba environments in PyCharm
LaTeX-template for russian Phd thesis
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
Code to train Importance Weighted Autoencoders on MNIST and OMNIGLOT
sbos / mahout
Forked from ogrisel/mahoutThis is a repo for my GSoC project for Apache Mahout - parallel HMM segmentation functionality
sbos / shogun
Forked from shogun-toolbox/shogunThe Shogun Machine Learning Toolbox (Source Code)
A toolkit for servicing HTTP requests in Scala
Cassandra-Node Bridge provides a link between Apache Cassandra and Node.js. Access cassandra from Node.js through an asynchronous Javascript interface.
The official MongoDB Node.js driver
sbos / mongodb-csharp
Forked from samus/mongodb-csharpA driver written in c# to connect to the MongoDB document oriented database.
A driver written in c# to connect to the MongoDB document oriented database.
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