World model Exploration based on parameter uncertainty No duplicate data
Evaluation: Search world model for best solution, take one real step, repeat
How to find where we are uncertain (further away)? Need a model for proposing valid/possible states? Value function but for uncertainty? In what direction are we most uncertain?
Idea: Predict probability of switching instead? How? Possibly add probability of changing as filter?
What states are valid and possible to reach? What is the value of each? Search backwards?
Measure uncertainty (KL or other) Value function for uncertainty Loop back to start position (value function for start position) if game over
Use memory if we have observed something before
Adding dropout or noise to a normal network would also give a measure of the uncertainty? Could work very well when the problem is deterministic?
Idea: If we do distance to memory we have an easier time knowing if this is far from something we have seen before?
VI might be fitting to our observed but also overfitting what we have not seen...
How do we get someplace? We can use our world model? How? We can backprop to find the actions we need to take to get from A to B in N steps. We can build a model that predicts the minimum number of steps between two states?
We can remember how go get to each state that we have seen?
Note: After we have created a dream world we now have accesss to a differentiable world model(!) Only seems to work with RelaxedOneHotCategorical
Q-learning to find best path?
Idea: Train on samples from previous model (but give them low sample weight?). Basically add dreamed up samples to dataset
GAN? Is this a real labyrinth?
We need to have the uncertainty earlier (i.e. the uncertainty of the relationship)
priors = {'linear.weight': w_prior, 'linear.bias': b_prior} lifted_module = pyro.random_module("module", regression_model, priors)
Use autoguide instead and remove uncertainty of final loc, scale
Clean up search and sampling
Why is KL nan when dreaming up lots of moves? 0 prob
Try approximate bayesian inference with noisy networks
Error: Hellinger larger than 1? No, fixed
Architecture independent of size and position
Do bayesian approximation with noisy networks and choose hyperparameters that maximize KL on validation data?
Wrap optimization and do optimization of hyperparameters on-the-fly? Can learn how to do this with evolution?
TODO: rotation, mirror
Problem: How to handle game over & reward better? It stops learning