This code enables ESP32 modules to read and decode the Electra AC remote control.
This is yet another modified version of the great IRremote library . The ino file is an example of how to use the library.
This work was inspired and made available due to the magnificent work of two other repositories:
- - Thank you very much for the clear and detailed explanation, I was unable to do without it. Thank you @nryhbhue.
- - Excellent and clear code to understand this remote. Thank you @barakwei.
after almost three months (on and off) of work, i was able to make this available.
- copy the IRremote folder to the sketchbook/libraries folder. make sure not to overwrite your already existing IRremote library. Either rename the library or overwrite.
- create a sketch in the Arduino IDE with the .ino file
- get an ESP32 module and connect the IR receiver module to it (pin D15).
I used both "Wemos D1 Mini ESP32" and "ESP32 DEVKIT V1", with IR receiver module connected on pin D15 (next to the 3v3 and GND on the DEVKIT module)