Soon ⚡
[!NOTE] State instances are not cached and are created each time a new state is transitioned using
[!NOTE] Zenject is used only for resolving the instance of IStateMachine and calling IStateMachine ticks
- Get
implementation instance viaZenject
and move to the stateStateA
public class ExampleStateMachine : MonoBehaviour
private IStateMachine m_stateMachine;
private void Construct(IStateMachine stateMachine)
m_stateMachine = stateMachine;
private void Start()
public class StateA : State
public override async UniTask Enter()
Debug.Log("[StateA] Enter");
//Example delay await
await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
//Example await UniTasks<T>
int value = await SomeOperation();
//Direct access to State Machine
StateMachine.Enter<StateB, StateBModel>(new StateBModel(value));
private UniTask<int> SomeOperation()
return UniTask.FromResult(Random.Range(0, 100));
public override UniTask Exit()
Debug.Log("[StateA] Exit");
return UniTask.CompletedTask;
public class StateBModel
public int Value { get; private set; }
public StateBModel(int value)
Value = value;
public void Increase()
Value += 1;
public class StateB : ModelState<StateBModel>
public override async UniTask Enter()
//Get access to state model via Model property
Debug.Log($"[StateB] Enter with Model value: {Model.Value}");
await UniTask.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
Debug.Log($"[StateB] Current Model value after 1s: {Model.Value}");
public override void Tick(float delta)
//Modify model every Tick like MonoBehaviour.Update
public interface IStateMachine
ExitableState CurrentState { get; }
UniTaskVoid Enter<TState>() where TState : State;
UniTaskVoid Enter<TState, TModel>(TModel model) where TState : ModelState<TModel>;
public interface IStateFactory
object Create(Type type);
public interface IStateMachineEvents
//Where Type = new state
event Action<Type> StateChanged;
//There first Type = old state, and second Type = new state
event Action<Type, Type> StateChangedFrom;
public interface IStateMachineTicks
void Tick(float delta);
void FixedTick(float delta);
public abstract class ExitableState : IState
//Called when exiting a state
public virtual UniTask Exit();
//Calling manually
public virtual void Tick(float delta);
//Calling manually Fixed variant
public virtual void FixedTick(float delta);
//Reference to StateMachine
public IStateMachine StateMachine{ get; set; }
//CancellationTokenSources are managed by StateMachine
internal CancellationTokenSource StateLifetimeTokenSource { set; get; }
//.Cancel() called when exiting a state
protected CancellationToken LifetimeToken { get; }
public abstract class State : ExitableState
//Enter the state
public abstract UniTask Enter();
public abstract class ModelState<TModel> : ExitableState
//Model required by State, initialized by StateMachine before state.Enter()
public TModel Model { internal set; get; }
//Enter the state
public abstract UniTask Enter();
example implementation
public class ZenjectStateFactory : IStateFactory
private readonly IInstantiator m_instantiator;
public ZenjectStateFactory(IInstantiator instantiator)
m_instantiator = instantiator;
public object Create(Type type)
return m_instantiator.Instantiate(type);
calling by custom class
public class ZenjectStateMachineTicks : ITickable, IFixedTickable
private readonly IStateMachineTicks m_ticks;
public ZenjectStateMachineTicks(IStateMachineTicks ticks)
m_ticks = ticks;
public void Tick()
public void FixedTick()
- Binding to
-[ ] Cleanup repeated parts inside StateMachine.cs