Clone of webrtc OpenMAX DL
This is a clone of WebRTC's OpenMAX DL for personal hacking. No guarantees that this is up-to-date or even compatible with WebRTC's version.
While the code can be used independently, this repo assumes that it is checked out inside a Chromium tree. In particular it should be cloned in the third_party directory.
cd $CHROMIUM/src/third_party
mv openmax_dl openmax_dl-save
git clone openmax_dl
Moving openmax_dl
directory out of the way isn't ideal, but for now,
this is the easiest way to get things going
cd $CHROMIUM/src
# Fill in gn args
# I'm using
# target_os = "android"
# target_cpu = "arm"
# is_debug = false
gn args out/Release
ninja -C out/Release test_float_fft test_float_rfft test_fft_time
This creates timing tests for the OpenMAX DL routines. You can add the following flags to the gyp_chromium command line to enable tests with other FFTs:
enables Kiss FFT-Dne10
enables Ne10-Dffmpeg
enables FFMPEG-Dckfft
enables Cricket FFT-Dpffft
enables PFFFT
(Not all platforms support all of these options, but these should all work on an arm7 with NEON.)
Other useful options:
to create an arm64 build. (Default is arm.)-Dne10_arm64_inline_asm
enables inline assembly for Ne10 arm64 builds.
Instead of test_fft_time.gyp
, you can also use test_fft.gyp
. The
difference is that test_fft_time.gyp
builds test_fft_time
to do
timing tests for various FFTs. test_fft.gyp
builds a set of test
programs for testing the FFTs available in OpenMAX DL.
Once test_fft_time
has been built, you can run it on an Android
device as follows:
adb push out/Release/test_fft_time /data/local/tmp
adb shell /data/local/tmp/test_fft_time -h
where directory /data/local/tmp
seems like a general available
suitable directory that can be used for installing the executable. If
this doesn't work, find some other directory, or maybe try adb root
The -h
option prints out a help message. Choose the appropriate set
of options for the test that you want to run. In particular -v0
produces a brief output that is suitable for pasting into a
spreadsheet. Large values for -v
will produce increasingly verbose
output that might be useful for debugging.