🗓️ November 9, 2020
⏰ 1:00 PM
🏨 eScience Institute, University of Washington
UW NetID: event0987 Password: UotS=YahJ=YobN
Kara Woo will present on project-oriented workflows in R. The workshop will cover the first two modules of the two-day What They Forgot to Teach You About R workshop ( This workshop is designed for experienced R and RStudio users who want to (re)design their R lifestyle. You'll learn holistic workflows that address the most common sources of friction in data analysis.
You should take this workshop if: you've been using R for a while and you feel like writing R code is not what's holding you back the most. You've realized that you have more pressing "meta" problems that no one seems to talk about: You want to know how to divide your work into projects and scripts and how to share your work with others.
01:00 - 02:30 1_1: Project-oriented workflow 1 of 2
02:30 - 03:00 Break
03:00 - 04:30 1_2: Project-oriented workflow 2 of 2
- Kara Woo | Github karawoo | Twitter kara_woo
Issues <-- all are encouraged to open issues as we go. This is actually tremendously helpful to us! Examples of issue-worthy thoughts:
- Glitches in the instructions or materials that we need to fix, for current workshop or future
- Missing content that we identify
- Great questions or sidebar discussions that we should consider formalizing and recording
- Questions that are too specific or technical to answer in real-time
Written versions of content are under open development here:
- What They Forgot to Teach You About R (bookdown site)
- Happy Git and GitHub for the useR (bookdown site)
- purrr tutorial
- GitHub repo:
- GitHub Pages site, served from that repo:
This work is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International