This is a command line tool to help build, run, and test WebExtensions.
Ultimately, it aims to support browser extensions in a standard, portable, cross-platform way. Initially, it will provide a streamlined experience for developing Firefox Extensions.
Here are the commands you can run. Click on each one for detailed documentation or use --help
on the command line, such as web-ext build --help
- Run the extension
- Validate the extension source
- Sign the extension so it can be installed in Firefox
- Create an extension package from source
- Open the
documentation in a browser
- Open the
First, make sure you are running the current LTS (long term support) version of NodeJS.
You can install this command onto your machine globally with:
npm install --global web-ext
Alternatively, you can install this command as one of the
of your project. This method can help you control the version of web-ext
as used by your team.
npm install --save-dev web-ext
Next you can use the web-ext
command in your project as an
npm script.
Here is an example where the --source-dir
argument specifies where to find
the source code for your extension.
"scripts": {
"start:firefox": "web-ext run --source-dir ./extension-dist/",
You can always pass in additional commands to your npm scripts using
the --
suffix. For example, the previous script could specify the Firefox
version on the command line with this:
npm run start:firefox -- --firefox=nightly
You'll need:
Optionally, you may like:
- nvm, which helps manage node versions
If you had already installed web-ext
from npm,
you may need to uninstall it first:
npm uninstall --global web-ext
Change into the source and install all dependencies:
git clone
cd web-ext
npm install
Build the command:
npm run build
Link it to your node installation:
npm link
You can now run it from any directory:
web-ext --help
To get updates, just pull changes and rebuild the executable. You don't need to relink it.
cd /path/to/web-ext
git pull
npm run build
Aside from using web-ext on the command line, you may wish to execute web-ext
in NodeJS code. There is limited support for this. Here are some examples.
You are able to execute command functions without any argument validation. If you want to execute web-ext run
you would do so like this:
// const webExt = require('web-ext');
// or...
import webExt from 'web-ext';{
// These are command options derived from their CLI conterpart.
// In this example, --source-dir is specified as sourceDir.
firefox: '/path/to/Firefox-executable',
sourceDir: '/path/to/your/extension/source/',
}, {
// These are non CLI related options for each function.
// You need to specify this one so that your NodeJS application
// can continue running after web-ext is finished.
shouldExitProgram: false,
.then((extensionRunner) => {
// The command has finished. Each command resolves its
// promise with a different value.
// You can do a few things like:
// extensionRunner.reloadAllExtensions();
// extensionRunner.exit();
If you would like to run an extension on Firefox for Android:
// Path to adb binary (optional parameter, auto-detected if missing)
const adbBin = "/path/to/adb";
// Get an array of device ids (Array<string>)
const deviceIds = await webExt.util.adb.listADBDevices(adbBin);
const adbDevice = ...
// Get an array of Firefox APKs (Array<string>)
const firefoxAPKs = await webExt.util.adb.listADBFirefoxAPKs(
deviceId, adbBin
const firefoxApk = ...{
target: 'firefox-android',
sourceDir: ...
}).then((extensionRunner) => {...});
If you would like to control logging, you can access the logger object. Here is an example of turning on verbose logging:
webExt.util.logger.consoleStream.makeVerbose();{sourceDir: './src'}, {shouldExitProgram: false});
You can also disable the use of standard input:{noInput: true}, {shouldExitProgram: false});
is designed for WebExtensions but you can try disabling manifest validation to work with legacy extensions. This is not officially supported.
{sourceDir: './src'},
getValidatedManifest: () => ({
name: 'some-fake-name',
version: '1.0.0',
shouldExitProgram: false,
Yes! The web-ext tool enables you to build and ship extensions for Firefox. This platform stabilized in Firefox 48 which was released in April of 2016.
Hi! This tool is under active development. To get involved you can watch the repo, file issues, create pull requests, or ask a question on dev-addons. Read the contributing section for how to develop new features.
This is a great question and one that we will ask ourselves for each new web-ext feature. Most WebExtension functionality is baked into the browsers themselves but a complimentary command line tool will still be helpful. Here is a partial list of examples: