Metrics for your code repository. A single function collates a wealth of data from commit histories and GitHub interactions, converts it all to standardised metrics, and displays the result as a single, interactive dashboard of your repository.
First, install the package either via r-universe
options (repos = c (
ropenscireviewtools = "",
CRAN = ""
install.packages ("repometrics")
or directly from GitHub with one of these two lines:
remotes::install_github ("ropensci-review-tools/repometrics")
pak::pkg_install ("ropensci-review-tools/repometrics")
The main data-gathering function requires just one parameter specifying the path to a local source repository:
data <- repometrics_data_repo (path)
The results can then be visualised as an interactive dashboard by running this line:
repometrics_dashboard (data)
The dashboard will automatically open in your default browser.
There are lots of tools for collating metrics of software repositories, most of which are commercial and not open source. Notable open source tools include those in the organization, especially their augur and grimoirelab tools. Both of these tools are huge and comprehensive. Although intended to be highly configurable and customizable, they can be difficult both to set up and to use. The OpenSSF Scorecard is a lightweight system focussed on metrics of "security health".
Please note that this package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.