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Releases: ropensci-archive/dvn

Final CRAN Release

07 Jun 12:02
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Package is deprecated for use on legacy (version < 4.0) Dataverse installations. Links have been updated to reflect current location of development version of package and the new package ("dataverse") available at: New users should use "dataverse" instead in most cases.


  • All functions that require an objectid argument (e.g., all functions to deposit and release a dataverse study) now accept an object of class "dvStudyAtom" (e.g., returned by dvCreateStudy) in addition to the previously supported objectid as character string. This should simply the process of creating, editing, and releasing studies. (#20)
  • dvExtractFileIds now extracts non-data files from DDI-formatted metadata (#16) and exposes UNF signatures for data files (#15).
  • dvSearch now supports searching in all metadata fields simultaneously by supplying a single character string, whereas a list containing a single, unnamed element is now treated as a valid query string (a change from how character strings were handled in versions < 0.3). See documentation.


  • SSL_VERIFYHOST was disabled in a previous release due to a certificate issue. It has now been reactivated. (h/t Hadley Wickham)
  • Fixed a RCurl-related bug in dvQuery that prevented basic authentication for the Data Sharing API. dvQuery now uses username and password options, when specified, to authenticate requests.
  • New versions of libcurl (>7.28) deprecate boolean values for options (e.g., SSL_VERIFYPEER and SSL_VERIFYHOST). dvQuery and dvDepositQuery were returning errors due to this and has been updated. Everything is backwards compatible to earlier versions of libcurl.


07 Jun 12:00
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  • Removed SSL verification from dvQuery to prevent errors due to a new site certificate for DVN (released 2013-06-27). May be restored in a future version once RCurl stops producing an error.

Version 0.3 (on CRAN)

13 Oct 12:52
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  • A print method has been added for dvDownloadInfo and the function additionally returns the raw value of the request. The return value of the function is otherwise unchanged.
  • dvSearch now supports both boolean AND and boolean OR logic to combine multiple search terms. See documentation.
  • dvAddFile no longer has a filesize argument (it being automatically calculated). The function now accepts filenames/paths (via filename) or dataframe names (via dataframe).
  • Support for the Data Deposit API has been added in the form of a dvDepositQuery workhorse function and some wrappers that search a user's dataverse(s): dvServiceDoc, dvUserStudies, dvStudyAtom, and dvStudyStatement. Functions to create, release, and delete studies are also supported: dvCreateStudy, dvReleaseStudy, and dvDeleteStudy.
    • From v0.2.7, improved error handling provides more parsed XML/HTML error messages when dvDepositQuery fails (#11)
    • From v0.2.65, added S3 print methods for almost all of the Data Deposit functions.
    • From v0.2.6, the Study Atom is converted to a list in all relevant functions, making it easier to extract a study's objectId.
    • From v0.2.6, dvUserStudies and dvStudyStatement return a list of values (for use in subsequent functions), in addition to the raw XML.
    • From v0.2.6, dvAddFile accepts either a .zip or a vector of filenames, which are compressed together before adding.
    • From v0.2.4, dataverse username and password can be set globally with options('dvn.user') and options('dvn.pwd').
    • From v0.2.35, dvEditStudy is also functional, along with both dvAddFile and dvDeleteFile.
  • The default dataverse (Harvard IQSS Dataverse) is now specified as a global option, which can be user-redefined with options('dvn').


  • Data Sharing API functions now attempt to fail gracefully when encountering unexpected API responses.
  • Fixed a url space encoding bug in dvSearch that prevented the use of multiple search terms.
  • Fixed a bug in dvDownload that failed to propagate the correct dataverse to dvDownloadInfo (h/t Egon Willighagen)


  • Documentation for dvDownloadInfo now provides more detail on its return value.
  • Capitalization of 'objectId' has been standardized throughout the package and documentation updated accordingly.
  • Package documenation now reports workflows for use of both the Data Sharing and Data Deposit APIs.


12 Oct 15:39
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version 0.2.8


11 Oct 10:47
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Update NEWS

Version 0.2 (on CRAN)

13 Oct 19:16
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version 0.2