Docker image to run OpenFOAM 6 and ParaView 5.4 built from source with Intel MPI Library 5.1 for use with Batch Shipyard on Azure Batch.
Pull richardlock/openfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi
image from Docker Hub:
docker pull richardlock/oopenfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi
Or build image from source:
git clone
cd docker-openfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi
docker build -t richardlock/openfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi .
docker login -u <username>
docker push richardlock/openfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi:latest
Run the image with an interactive bash shell:
docker run -it richardlock/openfoam6-paraview54-intelmpi /bin/bash
Please see the OpenFOAM User Guide for information on using OpenFOAM.
You must agree to the OpenFOAM licence prior to use.