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@renderpci renderpci released this 06 Mar 19:10

[6.4.5] - 2025-06-03

Bug Fixes

  • Fix tool_export issue where components to exclude area not passed throw levels (e.g. identifying image > image case)
  • Fix tool_ontology get TLD label error. Using fallback to ontology7 to allow many sources.
  • Fix export of the table node and filename of the get_export_xsl to be coherent with the current render.


  • Add $caller name to all instances, implemented in common. Now is possible set the caller class name to identify the caller who made the instance. Used by get_grid_value() data to resolve its data depending of the caller (tool_export, tool_diffusion, etc)
  • Implement the caller into the get_grid_value from tool_export to resolve the media data URI as absolute.
  • Add new view_table_export to dd_grid to render the grid with a compatible format for Excel and XSLX library.
  • Add relation_list options to manage direct component values in get_diffusion_value method when data_to_be_used is filtered_values. Used to allow get 'code' and other values in dmmgobes29`.
  • Add children_recursive to the SESSION to maintain the sqo with its children definition in page reloads, tool_export and tool_propagation
  • Add delete_instance option to delete_dataframe function in common. Now the components can delete the component_dataframe when they delete its data.
  • Add component_dataframe to component_select. Now if the component_select has a dataframe get its subdatum and render its instance.

Miscellaneous Tasks

  • Improve get_children_data active TLD detection and reset.
  • Improve get_children_data active TLD detection and reset. Refine to active_in_thesaurusonly.
  • Add cache key elements to relation_list->get_diffusion_dato() to prevent inconsistencies when filter_section or filter_component are used.


  • Resolve the component_image data in tool_export to check if the data is absolute.
  • Implements the table_export in tool_export for the formats: ods and xlsx, both are using the xlsx.js` library and it not support images nodes.
  • Export html format using the current render table in tool_export. Now the html exported file is exactly the same that user is showing. Remove to use xslx.js library, it not support images.
  • Unify empty values to null in relation_list->get_diffusion_value() when data_to_be_used is filtered_values.
  • Change get_children_data policy. Now, 'active_in_thesaurus' will not filter thesaurus tree results (Ontology)
  • Add tipo in the columns_map in the process, to be coherent with with the parse of the column. The tipo needs to be consistent in all process.
  • Set the column order when the component has a dataframe and show its own parents dd_info. Now the dataframe can be moved to the end instead the dd_info node, set the columns_map in the rqo definition in properties. See the ontology definition of tch555.
  • Set the match between client search and server search before propagate data. Now if the server result is greater than client stop the propagation.