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Folders and files

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7 Commits

Repository files navigation


Express middleware that acts as a git-http-backend


var express = require("express");
var expressGit = require("express-git2");
var app = express();
app.use("/git", expressGit.serve("path/torepos/", {
	auto_init: true,
	serve_static: true,
	authorize: function (service, req, next) {
		// Authorize a service

app.on('post-receive', function (repo, changes) {
	// Do something after a push


After which you can

git clone http://localhost:3000/git/foo.git
cd foo
echo "# Hello Git" >
git add
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push

Which will create an empty repo at path/torepos/foo.git to which you can pull and push as usual.



default: true

Enable the git_http_backend service.

If set to false push/pull operations will not be possible over http.


default: true

Enable the raw service.


default: true

Enable the browse service.


default: true

Enable the commit service.


default: true

Enable the refs service.


default: noop

A (service, req, callback) hook to use to authorize requests. To prevent an action, pass an error to the callback.


default: /.*/

All repo names must match this pattern.

Any captured groups will be passed on to a req.git.repo.args object for use in options.auth.


default: true

Allow repos to be created on-demand.

If set to false only already existing repos will be used.


default: {}

Default init_options for new repos. See Init options To override per-repo init_options use hooks['pre-init'].


default: A year in seconds

The max_age Cache-Control header to use for served blobs


default: 2K

The max size of truncated blob data to include in browse requests.


default: shelljs.which('git')

For git_http_backend service to work you need git installed on the server. You can specify the git executable to use with the git_executable option.


Git hooks are implemented using events. Async event handlers are supported via Promises. Event cancellation is possible (for cancellable events) by rejecting a promise or throwing an error.

Register event listeners via expressGit.on(hook, handler)

Events to listen for:

pre-init: (name, params, init_options)

Cancellable: yes

Where name is the name of the repo to be created and params is a parameter array parsed via options.pattern. The 3rd argument init_options is an object that you can modify to change the initialization options for this repo. You can return a promise if you need to perform an async operation. Rejecting will prevent the initialization of the repo.

See Git Hooks for more info.

post-init: (repo, )

Cancellable: no

Where repo is a nodegit.Repository object for the new repo.

pre-receive: (repo, changes)

Cancellable: yes

Where changes is an Array of {before, after, ref} objects. Rejecting will prevent the push request.

update: (repo, change)

Cancellable: yes

Where change is a {before, after, ref} object. Rejecting will prevent the push for this specific ref.

post-receive: (repo, changes)

Cancellable: no

Where changes is an Array of {before, after, ref} objects. Rejecting will be report the error to the client but will not prevent the request.

pre-commit: (repo, commit)

Cancellable: yes

Where repo is the nodegit.Repository instance where the commit will happen, commit is an object with ref, message, author, tree, parents, committer keys. Rejecting will abort the commit.

post-commit: (repo, changes)

Cancellable: no

Where repo is the nodegit.Repository instance where the commit happened and commit is an object with commit details.


git_http_backend service

Allow push/pull over http at

GET /path/to/repo.git/info/refs?service=(git-receive-pack|git-upload-pack)
POST /path/to/repo.git/(git-receive-pack|git-upload-pack)

raw service

Serve blobs from any ref at

GET /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/raw/path/to/file.txt

The default ref is HEAD.

The blob's id is added as an Etag header tho the response. The must-revalidate Cache-Control property is also added, because the ref of the blob-serving url might point to a different blob after a repository modification. Thus the proxy must revalidate the freshness on each request.

See HTTP Cache Headers for more info.

browse service

Browse repositories as json

GET /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/blob/(path/to/file.txt)
GET /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/tree/(path/to/dir)?
GET /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/commit/
GET /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/object/(object-id)

The default ref is HEAD.

commit service

Git commits using multipart forms

POST /path/to/repo.git/(ref?)/commit/(path/to/basepath)?parent=(object-id)

Commit parent id should either be specified by an x-parent-id header or the parent query parameter. It will default to the empty object id (40 zeros)

If the provided parent id is not the current target of the ref, the commit will be rejected with a 409 Confict error response.

Form fields

  • message The commit message
  • author The commit author (accepts name <email> format)
  • committer The committer (accepts name <email> format), fallback to author
  • created_at The of the commit creation (author date)
  • remove (can repeated be multiple times) The paths to remove (stemming from basepath if provided). Removals occur before additions.

File fields

All form file fields will be added, using the fieldname as path. (basepath url parameter will be prepended to this path)

refs service

Git ref manipulation via REST

PUT /path/to/repo.git/(ref)
DELETE /path/to/repo.git/(ref)

JSON fields

  • target (str) The target to set the ref to point to
  • current (str) The current ref target (to spot conflicts)
  • message (str) The commit message
  • symbolic (bool)
  • signature {name, email, date} A signature to use for the commit

Init options


default: true


default: true

Create the dir for the repository if does not exist


default: true

Create the all required dirs for the repository path


default: null

Permission mask to apply to the repository dir (git init --shared)


default: 'master'

The branch to which HEAD will point.


default: null

A default origin remote to use for this remote. Usually not needed as the repo will probably act as origin for others.


default: null

A GIT_TEMPLATE_PATH to use for the repo.

The req.git object

Each request handled by express-git is assigned a frozen object git property with the following properties:


A (name, args...) function trigerring hooks


The current repository for this request


The service name for this request

Possible service names are:

  • raw for raw file requests (if options.serve_static is enabled)
  • browse for json browsing of the repos (if options.browse is enabled)
  • commit for commits over http (if options.allow_commits is enabled)
  • receive-pack for push requests
  • upload-pack for fetch requests
  • advertise-refs for ref advertisement before push/pull requests


A (service) callback for authorising services.


The path relative to the repo root for this request


Express middleware that acts as a git-http-backend







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