A working template for building a Visualforce+Angular SPA on a Salesforce public site. Attempts to follow the Angular 1.x Style Guide as closely as possible.
- ES2015 (Babel)
- Webpack (with code-splitting examples)
- AngularJS 1.x
- Configurable CDN resources
- Promisified Apex Javascript Remoting
- Hot reloading during development (via ngrok proxy)
- HTML5 URL routing (angular-ui-router)
- Jasmine test framework and Karma runner
- Twitter Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- Sass stylesheets
- PostCSS runners (cssnext, focus)
- ESLint syntax and code style checks
Clone this repository, then run install to retrieve dependencies:
npm install
Configure your Salesforce connections file by running
npm run configure
. This will create a.jsforce.config.json
that stores your credentials. You probably don't want to commit this file. Re-run to switch the active connection or create new ones. -
Create the app's config file. At some point in the future, this will be done through a script (as above). But for now it is a manual step.
"appTitle": "<page title of app>",
"sitePrefix": "<site path prefix; eg. vforcejs>",
"apexPrefix": "<prefix of controller, page, and static resource; eg. VForceJS>",
"apiVersion": "<sfdc api version; eg. 35.0>",
"isCommunity": true
Note: If the site is a community, set isCommunity to true. If it is a public site, set to false.
Run npm start
This command will take the following steps:
- Opens a connection to the configured org
- Opens a public ngrok connection and starts an Express server Webpack middleware
- Compiles the bundled app sources
- Deploys the bundle
- If it does not exist, creates
- If it does not exist, creates a default
- Deploys the compiled ApexPage named as the configured apexPrefix
At this point, you will need to configure your site's UrlRewriter, permissions,
and the landing page. The landing page should be set to <apexPrefix>.page
Now, open your public Salesforce site.
Webpack will watch for changes related to the app and automatically recompile and hot-reload the page, and re-deploy the Visualforce page when necessary. Bundle sources will be publicly served from the local Webpack server via ngrok.
Run npm run build
. Builds and deploys page and resource bundle.
Pull requests are welcome! Code should pass tests and the ESLint style guide, preferably with no warnings emitted.