dehydrated-hook-cloudflare Public
Forked from socram8888/dehydrated-hook-cloudflarePure bash dehydrated dns-01 hook for CloudFlare
Shell ISC License UpdatedFeb 4, 2023 -
MouseToJoystick Public
A simple vJoy (virtual joystick) feeder program which converts mouse to joystick. (Re)Written in C#. Requires Windows because it uses vJoy.
MapGraphics Public
A tile-based "slippy map" library written in/for C++/Qt. It's meant to enable C++/Qt developers to easily add nice, interactive maps to their applications. Supports zooming, rotating, interactive c…
rustydht-lib Public
A rust library for interacting with BitTorrent's mainline distributed hash table (DHT). A work in progress.
Genetic-Planner Public
Prototype UAV flight planner using genetic algorithms.
MakeRandomFile Public
Command line utility that creates files with random contents
C++ UpdatedSep 10, 2019 -
Qt-Socks-Server Public
A simple socks4/socks4a/socks5 server written in C++/Qt. I run/test it mainly on Windows 7 with MSVC2010, but it should work in any place Qt does with minimal issues.
ScotlandYard Public
A C++/Qt GUI app to calculate possible positions of Mister X for the "Scotland Yard" board game.
C++ UpdatedMar 5, 2014 -
QVectorND Public
A ghetto n-dimensional generalization of Qt's QVector2D, QVector3D, etc.
VideoObjectDetection Public
Use background subtraction to detect and track objects in video. It's fun!
QKDTree Public
A C++/Qt based kd-tree (or kdtree) implemented without recursion. Supports custom distance metrics and includes some unit tests.
GPX Public
A very primitive GPX (GPS Exchange) format parser/writer in C++/Qt
Death-Reversi Public
A simple Reversi game coded in C++/Qt. Can be played multiplayer (human vs. human) or against an AI. AI Implemented using minimax with alpha/beta pruning. The AI is not great because it is difficul…
Port-Scan-Detector Public
A small desktop application that can be configured to listen for connections on various TCP/IP ports. It runs in the tray and displays/logs an alert when a connection is detected on any of the port…
CouzinModel Public
An implementation of the biological model from "Collective Memory and Spatial Sorting in Animal Groups" by Couzin et al. Written in C++/Qt. Uses the (included) "Eigen" linear algebra library for so…