A python client for Swagger enabled REST API. It wouldn't be easier to try Swagger REST API by Swagger-UI. However, when it's time to unittest your API, the first option you find would be Swagger-codegen, but the better option is us.
pyswagger is much easier to use (you don't need to prepare a scala environment) and tries hard to fully supports Swagger Spec in all aspects.
Read the Document, or just go through this README.
- support Swagger 1.2, 2.0 on python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4
- type safe, input/output are converted to python types according to Data Type described in Swagger. You don't need to touch any json schema when using pyswagger. Limitations like minimum/maximum or enum are also checked. Model inheritance also supported.
- provide function SwaggerApp.validate to check validity of the loaded API definition according to spec.
- builtin client implementation based on various http clients in python.
##Quick Start
from pyswagger import SwaggerApp, SwaggerAuth
from pyswagger.contrib.client.requests import Client
# load Swagger resource file into SwaggerApp object
app = SwaggerApp._create_('http://petstore.swagger.wordnik.com/api/api-docs')
# init SwaggerAuth for authorization
auth = SwaggerAuth(app)
auth.update_with('simple_basic_auth', ('user', 'password')) # basic auth
auth.update_with('simple_api_key', '12312312312312312313q') # api key
auth.update_with('simple_oauth2', '12334546556521123fsfss') # oauth2
# init swagger client
client = Client(auth)
# a request to create a new pet
pet_Tom=dict(id=1, name='Tom') # a dict is enough
# a request to get the pet back
pet = client.request(app.op['getPetById'])(petId=1).data
assert pet.id == 1
assert pet.name == 'Tom'
# redirect all requests targeting 'petstore.swagger.wordnik.com'
# to 'localhost:9001' for testing locally
opt={'url_netloc': 'localhost:9001'}
# allowMultiple parameter
client.request(app.op['getPetsByStatus'](status='sold')) # one value
client.request(app.op['getPetsByStatus'](status=['available', 'sold'])) # multiple value, wrapped by list.
##Installation We support pip installtion.
pip install pyswagger
##Reference All exported API are described in following sections.
###SwaggerApp The initialization of pyswagger starts from SwaggerApp._create_(url), where url could either be a url or a file path. This function returns a SwaggerApp instance, which would be used to initiate SwaggerAuth.
SwaggerApp.op provides a shortcut to access Operation objects, which will produce a set of request/response for SwaggerClient to access API. The way we provide here would help to minimize the possible difference introduced by Swagger2.0 when everything is merged into one file.
# call an API when its nickname is unique
# call an API when its nickname collid with other resources
SwaggerApp.op['user', 'getById'] # call getById in user resource
SwaggerApp.op['pet', 'getById'] # call getById in pet resource
SwaggerApp.validate(strict=True) provides validation against the loaded Swagger API definition. When passing strict=True, an exception would be raised if validation failed. It returns a list of errors in tuple: (where, type, msg).
###SwaggerClient You also need SwaggerClient(auth=None) to access API, this layer wraps the difference between those http libraries in python. where auth(optional) is SwaggerAuth, which helps to handle authorizations of each request.
client.request(app.op['addPet'](body=dict(id=1, name='Tom')))
To make a request, you need to create a pair of request/response from SwaggerApp.op by providing essential parameters. Then passing the tuple of (request, response) to SwaggerClient.request(req_and_resp, opt={}) likes the code segment above. Below is a reference mapping between python objects and Swagger primitives. Check this mapping when you need to construct a parameter set:
- dict corresponds to Model
- list corresponds to Array
- datetime.datetime, timestamp(float or int), or ISO8601-string for date-time and date
- File type is a little bit complex, but just similar to request, which uses a dict containing file info.
YouFile = {
# header values used in multipart/form-data according to RFC2388
'header': {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
# according to RFC2388, available values are '7bit', '8bit', 'binary'
'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'binary'
'filename': 'a.txt',
'data': None (or any file-like object)
- other primitives are similar to python's primitives
The return value is a SwaggerResponse object, with these attributes:
- status
- data, corresponds to Operation object's return value, or ResponseMessage object's responseModel when its status matched.
- header, organized in
{key: [value1, value2...]}
- message, corresponds to ResponseMessage object's message when status matched on ResponseMessage object.
- raw, raw data without touching.
###SwaggerAuth Holder/Dispatcher for user-provided authorization info. Initialize this object like SwaggerAuth(app), where app is an instance of SwaggerApp. To add authorization, call SwaggerAuth.update_with(name, token), where name is the name of Authorizations object in Swagger spec, and token is different for different kinds of authorizations:
- basic authorization: (username, password)
- api key: the api key
- oauth2: the access_token
##Development env preparation
pip install -r requirement-dev.txt
unit testing
python -m pytest -s -v --cov=pyswagger --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report=html pyswagger/tests