var limestone = require("limestone/limestone"),
sys = require("sys");
client = limestone.SphinxClient();
// default is to open localhost:9312 {
if (err) {
sys.puts('Connection error: ' + err);
sys.puts('Connected, sending query');
client.query({'query':'test', maxmatches:1}, function(err, answer) {
sys.puts("Extended search for 'test' yielded " + answer.match_count + " results: " + JSON.stringify(answer));
$ npm install limestone
client.setServer(host, port)
Sets the server that a client points to. After setting the server, you must open() a connection to it.
Very little of the Sphinx client functionality has been tested. Almost none, in fact, for my part.
0.1.2 * Refactor response and client to use persistent connections * Refactor client to make it a poolable object
This module is released under the [MIT License] license.