Transform your laptop into portable oven without spending money on actually oven.
- Adjustable heat output
- Uses all cores
- Linux
- Might work on mac and Free/Open BSD
Should I upload this to the AUR? 🤔
git clone
cd oven
docker build -t oven .
docker run oven # or add -d flag to run oven in the background and leave your shell interactive
To remove the image run:
docker rmi oven -f
git clone
cd oven
# execute with 50% load:
build/oven 50
# install:
sudo make install
# uninstall:
sudo make uninstall
sudo pacman -Syu git make doxygen clang gcc
paru -Syu act
systemctl start docker
Test the changes locally before a push. First run will take long time since act will have to download the image that is used on GitHub.
make test
make test
will run static analysis from cppcheck and complain about all your mistakes.
The default behavior of docker will fail this because it wants you to run the docker image as root. However this can be "fixed" by adding your user to the docker group
sudo groupadd docker && sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
There are some security concerns that I didn't bother reading covered on this thread.