This project implements the minimax along with alpha beta pruning for the game of checkers.
There are two implementation, one, in common lisp was done first, as a way to translate psoeudo recursive code in an easy way. One could rewrite this code in a lower language like c to get better performance.
Here is a short list of ai related tasks that this project implements:
- game of checkers
- minimax algorithm
- alpha beta pruning for minimax algorithm
- iterative deepening for minimax algorithm
- checkers move ordering
- frequency hashtable for move ordering
- killer move array for move ordering
- genetic algorithm for training utility function
- opening database
- 2 piece end game database
Here is a guide on how to compile and run the programs.
Here are the dependencies required to compile this project:
You also need to have these lines configured in your .sbclrc
(let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "~/.config/lisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp"
(when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
(load quicklisp-init)))
Once everything is installed, you can run in this directory :
make build
And have the binaries.