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Example app showing json-schema validation in KOA routes (POST's). It is deemed unnecessary to demonstrate PUT's, assuming if it works on post it works on PUT.

This example began using the yo generator: react-webpack-babel, then was modified as needed. There may be some unnecessary files as a result. The main action is in the src directory.

> $ git clone

Then install the dependencies:

> $ npm install

Install webpack and the development server (globally):

> $ npm i webpack-dev-server webpack -g

You can simply run webpack build using this command:

> $ npm run build

If you want to run with webpack-dev-server simply run this command:

> $ node src/server.js

Open the web browser to http://localhost:3000/

To use Postman to hit the POST route first install Postman, it can eithe be installed as a Chrome/Firefox plugin or native app, here is the native app installed:

Then command-space and type postman and hit enter to launch it.

There is a protocol dropdown near the top left, select the POST verb. In the field next to it put this url:


And press the blue 'send' button. No params, noauth, maybe put some text in the body below so there is a legitamate 'payload'. Examine the console output in the terminal you launched from, should be this:

slmbp1510:KOA-research owencorpening$ node src/server.js <-- GET / In get for / --> GET / 200 10ms 37b <-- POST /myname In post for /myname post = { 'firstName': 'owen', 'lastName': 'c', 'age': 29 } User data is valid --> POST /myname 200 41ms 8b


demonstrate KOA using json-schema for validation







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