Code for running the experiments accompanying A Theory of Unsupervised Translation Motivated by Understanding Animal Communication (NeurIPS 2023).
git clone
- Recommended: Create a new conda environment and activate it. Tested with Python 3.11.
cd theory-of-umt
pip install -e .
wandb login
(create an account first, if necessary).
To allow for simple multiprocessing (even across multiple machines), we use wandb sweeps. Each experiment has a corresponding sweep name:
Fig. in paper | Sweep name |
4 | kg_alpha |
5 | cn_alpha |
6 | kg_n_source |
To reproduce the figures, first launch a sweep:
wandb sweep sweeps/sweep_name.yaml
This command outputs
- A URL for viewing the sweep:
- A command for running sweep agents:
wandb agent ...
You can run the experiment with wandb agent ...
For multiprocessing, run this command multiple times (one for each process).
You can even run the command from different machines, as long as they have this
repository installed.
Once the sweep is finished, view it by following the above URL. The graph depicted
there should match the one in the paper, up to an easy configuration of the graph panel (Grouping->Range->Std Err
and axis/legend names).
author = {Shafi Goldwasser and
David G. Gruber and
Adam Tauman Kalai and
Orr Paradise},
title = {A Theory of Unsupervised Translation Motivated by Understanding Animal
booktitle = {NeurIPS},
year = {2023},