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flatfile-angular-adapter 1.2.10-beta

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @cactusoft-ca/flatfile-angular-adapter@1.2.10-beta
Install via package.json:
"@cactusoft-ca/flatfile-angular-adapter": "1.2.10-beta"

About this version

Flatfile Angular Component - @flatfile/angular

npm Minzipped Size NPM Downloads MIT License

We've made it really simple for you to get started with Flatfile with our new Flatfile Component. Here's what you'll need to know to get started.

Note: This package is ideally suited for Angular version 8+ (or higher)

First, install the dependency via npm:

npm install @flatfile/angular

This will give you access to the <flatfile-button /> component as well as the same basic functionality as our Adapter.


To view information about the latest releases and any minor/major changes, check out the changelog here.

Codesandbox Demo

Try it for yourself in the CodesandBox here.

Getting Started with

import { FlatfileAdapterModule } from '@flatfile/angular';

// Add to your Modules imports: []
imports: [

Within a Components template use the flatfile-button:

import {
  // This interface is optional, but helpful to show you all the available required & optional inputs/outputs available to you
} from "@flatfile/angular";

  template: `
      Text you want to show for the button
}) export class MyDemoComponent implements FlatfileMethods {
  customer = { userId: '12345' };
  licenseKey = 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE'; // <-- Don't forget your license key!
  settings = {
    type: 'test import',
    fields: [
      { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
      { label: 'Email', key: 'email' },

More advanced use-case example

Tip: Make sure to use .bind(this) when passing down things like onData/onRecordInit/onRecordChange so that if you're using any props/methods within your Component, you won't have any errors.

Within a Components template use the flatfile-button

import {
} from "@flatfile/angular";

  template: `
      Text you want to show for the button
   * @note Important if you want to style the child component
   * from this "parent" component
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, 
  styles: [`
    .flatfile-button button {
        border: 0;
        border-radius: 3px;
        padding: 1rem;
        background: #794cff;
        color: #fff;
}) export class MyDemoComponent implements FlatfileMethods {
  customer = { userId: '12345' };
  licenseKey = 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE'; // <-- Don't forget your license key!
  settings = {
    type: 'test import',
    fields: [
      { label: 'Name', key: 'name' },
      { label: 'Email', key: 'email' },

   * @Input()'s
  fieldHooks: Record<string, FieldHookCallback> = {
    email: (values) => {
      return[item, index]) => [
        { value: item + '@', info: [{message: 'added @ after the email', level: 'warning'}] },

  onData(results: FlatfileResults): Promise<string> {
    let errorState = false;

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        if (errorState) {
            reject('rejected - this text is controlled by the end-user');
            errorState = false;
          } else {
            resolve('Flatfile upload successful - this text is controlled by the end-user');
      }, 3000);

  onRecordInit(record: ScalarDictionaryWithCustom, index: number): IDataHookResponse | Promise<IDataHookResponse> {
    return {
      email: {
        value: + '@',
        info: [{ message: 'added @ on init', level: 'info' }]

  onRecordChange(record: ScalarDictionaryWithCustom, index: number): IDataHookResponse | Promise<IDataHookResponse> {
    return {
      email: {
        value: + '#',
        info: [{ message: 'added # on change', level: 'warning' }]

   * @Output() handlers
  onCancel(): void {

Styling the component

Note that in order to style this child-component (from the parent), simply supply a class="" to the <flatfile-button class="some_class_name">, and ensure that your parent component has encapsulation set to ViewEncapsulation.None (showcased above in this advanced demo).

flatfile-button options Info Example
settings - This is where you will pass your Flatfile settings/options. **Required. **
type: "Customers", fields: [
{key: "name", label: "Name"}, {key: "email", label: "Email"}
customer - Refers to the setCustomer function. Required.
object - CustomerObject
usedId: "1234",
companyId: "12",
companyName: "ABC",
email: "[email protected]",
name: "John Doe"
licenseKey - Your Flatfile license key can be found in your dashboard when you login here. Required.
licenseKey= 'ah12-alksjs2738-shdkaj123'
onCancel - An optional callback for handling a user cancelling. Optional.
function - callback
onCancel () { // do something }
onData- An optional way to use FlatfileResults to return a new Promise. Optional.
onData(results: FlatfileResults): Promise<string> { }
onRecordChange- An optional way to use registerRecordHook when a record changes. Optional.
`onRecordChange(record: ScalarDictionaryWithCustom, index: number): IDataHookResponse
fieldHooks- An optional way to pass in one or more callback functions to use with registerFieldHook. Optional.
object function(s) - callback(s)
fieldHooks: Record<string, FieldHookCallback> = { /* object */ }

Running the sample application

npm i && npm start

The same application will be fired up at http://localhost:4200.

Ensure that you've entered in a valid licenseKey in the AppComponent file (projects/sample/app.component.ts).


Ensure that the correct semantic version has been updated in the projects/angular-adapter/package.json version.

Make sure that if you're updating the (base package) @flatfile/adapter version, to update it within the dependencies array of the package.json within the projects/angular-adapter/ library as well.

Then run:

npm run build:prod
npm run publish:pkg



  • flatfile-angular-adapter-1.2.10-beta.tgz

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