Highly Adaptable Requirements Management and OrganizatioN sYstem - HARMONY
Elicitation Interface for eFFectivE Language - EIFFEL
HARMONY and EIFFEL were created as part of a research project. The idea is to simplify the elicitation of requirements by using templates, by providing users with a way to enter and validate template-based requirements more easily. The requirement templates used here are based on the pattern language PARIS (PATTERNS FOR REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION) by Prof. Dr. Oliver Linssen. The basics of PARIS are documented in:
Linssen, O. (2022). Anforderungen strukturiert mit Schablonen dokumentieren in PARIS. Fazal-Baqaie, M., Linssen O., Volland, A., Yigitbas, E., Engstler, M., Bertram, M., Kalenborn, A. (Hrsg.): Projektmanagement und Vorgehensmodelle 2022 (PVM 2022). Virtuelle Zusammenarbeit und verlorene Kulturen?, P-327, 109–140. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363630019_Anforderungen_strukturiert_mit_Schablonen_dokumentieren_in_PARIS
Linssen, O. (2020). PARIS - Die Entwicklung einer Mustersprache zur Dokumentation von Anforderungen. Rundbrief GI-Fachausschuß Management der Anwendungsentwicklung und -wartung, 26(44), 7–24. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363631106_PARIS_-_Die_Entwicklung_einer_Mustersprache_zur_Dokumentation_von_Anforderungen
However, the design supports various other templates. Templates can be defined with JSON configurations, examples of already designed templates can be found in docs/templates/.
For reasons of data economy, HARMONY does not store requirements on the server. Only templates and minimal user information to enable login are stored on the server. All entered and checked requirements are stored locally in the browser. These locally stored requirements can be deleted at any time.
The use of HARMONY and EIFFEL is at your own risk. The developers and operators assume no liability for damages caused by the use of HARMONY and EIFFEL.
HARMONY will be further expanded to meet more needs of requirements management. Join us on this journey, whether you are a contributor, user or just a spectator!
The project and all participants are looking forward to your feedback, as we are continuously working to improve HARMONY and EIFFEL. The project is in active development.
For a simple development environment, consult docker/dev.