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TLSUV is a cross-platform library allowing asynchronous TLS communication. This is done by combinining libuv with mbedTLS or OpenSSL (see below for using other TLS implementations)


  • async TLS over TCP
  • flexible TLS engine support
  • HTTP and websocket clients
  • pkcs#11 support with default(OpenSSL) engine


API is attempted to be consistent with libuv API

Supported Platforms

  • Linux
  • Darwin/MacOS
  • Windows

Using in your project

The simplest way to integrate tlsuv in your project is to include it in your CMake build with FetchContent

            GIT_TAG v0.29.5 # use latest release version

    target_link_libraries(your_app PRIVATE tlsuv)

Selectable Features

HTTP support is a selectable feature (ON by default) and can be disabled by adding -DTLSUV_HTTP=OFF during CMake configuration step. This will also reduce dependencies list.


TLSUV depends on the following libraries:

Library Notes
TLS OpenSSL(default) or
Some features are only available with OpenSSL
llhttp only with HTTP enabled
zlib only with HTTP enabled

CMake configuration process will attempt to resolve the above dependencies via find_package() it is up to consuming project to provide them.

TLS engine support (BYFE - Bring Your Favorite Engine)

If either of two TLS library options are not working for, there is a mechanism to dynamically provide TLS implementation.

For example, you're already using another TLS library for your project, there is a way to use it inside tlsuv. Two API interfaces are defined for that purpose:

  • tls_context is roughly equivalent to mbedtls_ssl_config or SSL_CTXin OpenSSL and is used to create instances of tls_engine for individual connections
  • tls_engine is an object for handling handshake and encryption for a single connection. Similar in purpose to mbedtls_ssl_ctx or SSL in OpenSSL

Building standalone

See development instruction for building this project standalone for checking out samples, or contributing.

Getting Help

Please use these community resources for getting help. We use GitHub issues for tracking bugs and feature requests and have limited bandwidth to address them.

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