docker build -t opa-pdp:1.0.0 .
- oapi-codegen -package=oapicodegen -generate "models" openapi.yaml > models.go
Create a tosca policy file that has policy.rego and data.json encoded contents.
Ensure data key should have node as prefix. For example refer to test/test_resources/blacklist/policy_blacklist.yaml.
OPA emphasizes that each policy should have a unique policy-name/policy-id,
example: Not Allowed:
If a policy named is deployed, then deploying a policy named is disallowed because it shares the same hierarchical structure.
If a policy named is deployed, then deploying a policy named is disallowed because it is parent directory.
Allowed: If a policy named is deployed, then deploying a policy named is permitted, as it does not share the same hierarchy.
Policy key should start (prefixed) with policy-id. For ex refer to test/test_resources/blacklist/policy_blacklist.yaml.
Create a deploy.json file to deploy through pap. Refer to file under test/test_resources/blacklist/deploy_blacklist.json.
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed
Check out the policy/docker repo from the ONAP gerrit or from github:
Latest Docker image created can be updated in compose.yml inside policy/docker repo.
Start opa-pdp containers by running the script
Command to start opa-pdp container ./ opa-pdp
Check the logs. docker logs -f policy-opa-pdp
To get opa Decision for the deployed policies please refer to test/ for the API details.