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Merge pull request #4265 from oasisprotocol/ptrus/feature/fixgenesis
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go/fixgenesis: remove the not anymore relevant migration
  • Loading branch information
ptrus authored Sep 17, 2021
2 parents 0dd5362 + 0c7881b commit 1f26390
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Showing 2 changed files with 10 additions and 293 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .changelog/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
go/fixgenesis: remove the not anymore relevant migration
302 changes: 9 additions & 293 deletions go/oasis-node/cmd/debug/fixgenesis/fixgenesis.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,29 +6,21 @@ import (

flag ""

beacon ""
consensus ""
genesis ""
governance ""
keymanager ""
cmdCommon ""
registry ""
roothash ""
scheduler ""
staking ""

Expand All @@ -46,135 +38,6 @@ var (
logger = logging.GetLogger("cmd/debug/fix-genesis")

type oldDocument struct {
// Height is the block height at which the document was generated.
Height int64 `json:"height"`
// Time is the time the genesis block was constructed.
Time time.Time `json:"genesis_time"`
// ChainID is the ID of the chain.
ChainID string `json:"chain_id"`
// Registry is the registry genesis state.
Registry oldRegistryGenesis `json:"registry"`
// RootHash is the roothash genesis state.
RootHash roothash.Genesis `json:"roothash"`
// Staking is the staking genesis state.
Staking staking.Genesis `json:"staking"`
// KeyManager is the key manager genesis state.
KeyManager keymanager.Genesis `json:"keymanager"`
// Scheduler is the scheduler genesis state.
Scheduler scheduler.Genesis `json:"scheduler"`
// Beacon is the beacon genesis state.
Beacon beacon.Genesis `json:"beacon"`
// Epochtime is the epochtime genesis state.
Epochtime oldEpochtimeGenesis `json:"epochtime"`
// Consensus is the consensus genesis state.
Consensus oldConsensusGenesis `json:"consensus"`
// HaltEpoch is the epoch height at which the network will stop processing
// any transactions and will halt.
HaltEpoch beacon.EpochTime `json:"halt_epoch"`
// Extra data is arbitrary extra data that is part of the
// genesis block but is otherwise ignored by the protocol.
ExtraData map[string][]byte `json:"extra_data"`

type oldConsensusGenesis struct {
Backend string `json:"backend"`
Parameters oldConsensusParameters `json:"params"`

type oldConsensusParameters struct {

MaxEvidenceNum int64 `json:"max_evidence_num"`

type oldEpochtimeGenesis struct {
Parameters oldEpochtimeParameters `json:"params"`

type oldEpochtimeParameters struct {
Interval int64 `json:"interval"`

type oldRegistryGenesis struct {
// Parameters are the registry consensus parameters.
Parameters registry.ConsensusParameters `json:"params"`

// Entities is the initial list of entities.
Entities []*entity.SignedEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"`

// Runtimes is the initial list of runtimes.
Runtimes []*oldSignedRuntime `json:"runtimes,omitempty"`
// SuspendedRuntimes is the list of suspended runtimes.
SuspendedRuntimes []*oldSignedRuntime `json:"suspended_runtimes,omitempty"`

// Nodes is the initial list of nodes.
Nodes []*node.MultiSignedNode `json:"nodes,omitempty"`

// NodeStatuses is a set of node statuses.
NodeStatuses map[signature.PublicKey]*registry.NodeStatus `json:"node_statuses,omitempty"`

type oldEntityWhitelistRuntimeAdmissionPolicy struct {
Entities map[signature.PublicKey]bool `json:"entities"`

type oldRuntimeAdmissionPolicy struct {
AnyNode *registry.AnyNodeRuntimeAdmissionPolicy `json:"any_node,omitempty"`
EntityWhitelist *oldEntityWhitelistRuntimeAdmissionPolicy `json:"entity_whitelist,omitempty"`

type oldRuntime struct { // nolint: maligned

// ID is a globally unique long term identifier of the runtime.
ID common.Namespace `json:"id"`

// EntityID is the public key identifying the Entity controlling
// the runtime.
EntityID signature.PublicKey `json:"entity_id"`

// Genesis is the runtime genesis information.
Genesis registry.RuntimeGenesis `json:"genesis"`

// Kind is the type of runtime.
Kind registry.RuntimeKind `json:"kind"`

// TEEHardware specifies the runtime's TEE hardware requirements.
TEEHardware node.TEEHardware `json:"tee_hardware"`

// Version is the runtime version information.
Version registry.VersionInfo `json:"versions"`

// KeyManager is the key manager runtime ID for this runtime.
KeyManager *common.Namespace `json:"key_manager,omitempty"`

// Executor stores parameters of the executor committee.
Executor registry.ExecutorParameters `json:"executor,omitempty"`

// TxnScheduler stores transaction scheduling parameters of the executor
// committee.
TxnScheduler registry.TxnSchedulerParameters `json:"txn_scheduler,omitempty"`

// Storage stores parameters of the storage committee.
Storage registry.StorageParameters `json:"storage,omitempty"`

// AdmissionPolicy sets which nodes are allowed to register for this runtime.
// This policy applies to all roles.
AdmissionPolicy oldRuntimeAdmissionPolicy `json:"admission_policy"`

// Staking stores the runtime's staking-related parameters.
Staking registry.RuntimeStakingParameters `json:"staking,omitempty"`

type oldSignedRuntime struct {

func (s *oldSignedRuntime) Open(context signature.Context, runtime *oldRuntime) error { // nolint: interfacer
return s.Signed.Open(context, runtime)

func doFixGenesis(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if err := cmdCommon.Init(); err != nil {
Expand All @@ -190,18 +53,17 @@ func doFixGenesis(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

// Parse as the old format. At some point all the important things
// will be versioned, but this is not that time.
var oldDoc oldDocument
if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &oldDoc); err != nil {
// Parse the genesis.
var doc genesis.Document
if err = json.Unmarshal(raw, &doc); err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to parse old genesis file",
"err", err,

// Actually fix the genesis document.
newDoc, err := updateGenesisDoc(&oldDoc)
newDoc, err := updateGenesisDoc(doc)
if err != nil {
logger.Error("failed to fix genesis document",
"err", err,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,157 +104,11 @@ func doFixGenesis(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

func convertRuntime(rt *oldRuntime) *registry.Runtime {
crt := &registry.Runtime{
ID: rt.ID,
EntityID: rt.EntityID,
Genesis: rt.Genesis,
Kind: rt.Kind,
TEEHardware: rt.TEEHardware,
Version: rt.Version,
KeyManager: rt.KeyManager,
Staking: rt.Staking,
TxnScheduler: rt.TxnScheduler,
GovernanceModel: registry.GovernanceEntity,
Executor: registry.ExecutorParameters{
GroupSize: rt.Executor.GroupSize,
GroupBackupSize: rt.Executor.GroupBackupSize,
AllowedStragglers: rt.Executor.AllowedStragglers,
RoundTimeout: rt.Executor.RoundTimeout,
MaxMessages: 32,
Storage: registry.StorageParameters{
GroupSize: rt.Storage.GroupSize,
MinWriteReplication: rt.Storage.MinWriteReplication,
MaxApplyWriteLogEntries: rt.Storage.MaxApplyWriteLogEntries,
MaxApplyOps: rt.Storage.MaxApplyOps,
CheckpointInterval: rt.Storage.CheckpointInterval,
CheckpointNumKept: rt.Storage.CheckpointNumKept,
CheckpointChunkSize: rt.Storage.CheckpointChunkSize,
Constraints: map[scheduler.CommitteeKind]map[scheduler.Role]registry.SchedulingConstraints{
scheduler.KindComputeExecutor: {
scheduler.RoleWorker: {
MinPoolSize: &registry.MinPoolSizeConstraint{
Limit: rt.Executor.GroupSize,
scheduler.RoleBackupWorker: {
MinPoolSize: &registry.MinPoolSizeConstraint{
Limit: rt.Executor.GroupBackupSize,
scheduler.KindStorage: {
scheduler.RoleWorker: {
MinPoolSize: &registry.MinPoolSizeConstraint{
Limit: rt.Storage.GroupSize,
crt.Versioned.V = 2

if rt.AdmissionPolicy.AnyNode != nil {
crt.AdmissionPolicy.AnyNode = rt.AdmissionPolicy.AnyNode
} else if rt.AdmissionPolicy.EntityWhitelist != nil {
crt.AdmissionPolicy.EntityWhitelist = &registry.EntityWhitelistRuntimeAdmissionPolicy{
Entities: make(map[signature.PublicKey]registry.EntityWhitelistConfig),
for e, allowed := range rt.AdmissionPolicy.EntityWhitelist.Entities {
if allowed {
crt.AdmissionPolicy.EntityWhitelist.Entities[e] = registry.EntityWhitelistConfig{
MaxNodes: make(map[node.RolesMask]uint16),

return crt

func updateGenesisDoc(oldDoc *oldDocument) (*genesis.Document, error) {
// Create the new genesis document template.
newDoc := &genesis.Document{
Height: oldDoc.Height,
Time: oldDoc.Time,
ChainID: oldDoc.ChainID,
RootHash: oldDoc.RootHash,
Staking: oldDoc.Staking,
KeyManager: oldDoc.KeyManager,
Scheduler: oldDoc.Scheduler,
Beacon: oldDoc.Beacon,
HaltEpoch: oldDoc.HaltEpoch,
ExtraData: oldDoc.ExtraData,

// Consensus.
newDoc.Consensus.Backend = oldDoc.Consensus.Backend
newDoc.Consensus.Parameters = oldDoc.Consensus.Parameters.Parameters
newDoc.Consensus.Parameters.MaxEvidenceSize = 1024 * uint64(oldDoc.Consensus.Parameters.MaxEvidenceNum)

// Beacon.
oldEpochInterval := oldDoc.Epochtime.Parameters.Interval
newDoc.Beacon.Base = beacon.EpochTime(oldDoc.Height / oldEpochInterval)
newDoc.Beacon.Parameters.Backend = beacon.BackendPVSS
newDoc.Beacon.Parameters.PVSSParameters = &beacon.PVSSParameters{
CommitInterval: oldEpochInterval / 2,
RevealInterval: (oldEpochInterval / 2) - 4,
TransitionDelay: 4,
Threshold: 10,
Participants: 20,

// Roothash.
newDoc.RootHash.Parameters.MaxRuntimeMessages = 256
newDoc.RootHash.Parameters.MaxEvidenceAge = 100

// Governance.
newDoc.Governance.Parameters = governance.ConsensusParameters{
MinProposalDeposit: *quantity.NewFromUint64(10_000_000_000_000),
Quorum: 75,
Threshold: 90,
// XXX: these assume approx. 24 epochs per day.
VotingPeriod: 14 * 24,
UpgradeMinEpochDiff: (14 + 14 + 1 + 10) * 24, // VotingPeriod + UpgradeCancelMinEpochDiff + 10 epochs.
UpgradeCancelMinEpochDiff: (14 + 1) * 24, // VotingPeriod epoch.

// Registry.
newDoc.Registry = registry.Genesis{
Parameters: oldDoc.Registry.Parameters,
NodeStatuses: oldDoc.Registry.NodeStatuses,
newDoc.Registry.Parameters.EnableRuntimeGovernanceModels = map[registry.RuntimeGovernanceModel]bool{
registry.GovernanceEntity: true,
registry.GovernanceRuntime: true, // TODO: Do we want to enable this right away?

oldRegisterRuntimeSignatureContext := signature.NewContext("oasis-core/registry: register runtime")
for _, sigRt := range oldDoc.Registry.Runtimes {
var rt oldRuntime
if err := sigRt.Open(oldRegisterRuntimeSignatureContext, &rt); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open signed runtime: %w", err)
newRt := convertRuntime(&rt)
if newRt == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to convert runtime to new format")
newDoc.Registry.Runtimes = append(newDoc.Registry.Runtimes, newRt)
func updateGenesisDoc(oldDoc genesis.Document) (*genesis.Document, error) {
newDoc := oldDoc

for _, sigSRt := range oldDoc.Registry.SuspendedRuntimes {
var srt oldRuntime
if err := sigSRt.Open(oldRegisterRuntimeSignatureContext, &srt); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to open signed suspended runtime: %w", err)
newSRt := convertRuntime(&srt)
if newSRt == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to convert suspended runtime to new format")
newDoc.Registry.SuspendedRuntimes = append(newDoc.Registry.SuspendedRuntimes, newSRt)
newDoc.Registry.Entities = make([]*entity.SignedEntity, 0)
newDoc.Registry.Nodes = make([]*node.MultiSignedNode, 0)

// Remove entities with not enough stake.
var entities []*entity.Entity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,7 +185,7 @@ func updateGenesisDoc(oldDoc *oldDocument) (*genesis.Document, error) {


return newDoc, nil
return &newDoc, nil

func computeStakeClaims(
Expand Down

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