- Calculator, reference implementation
- infix to posfix, stack
- MinStack, reference implemntation
- Output contest matches, my solution
- Shopping Offers, solution
- Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets, solution
- Increasing subsequences, solution
RotateImage, my solution
Nested List Weight sum, my solution
Nested List Weight sum II , my solution
- very tricky
Merkel Hash, very genius algorith esecially for large tree
Java default is minheap-ascending order. heap is 0-based.
- Reverse Pairs, my solution
- Single element in a sorted array, my solution
- Count of smaller numbers after self, my solution
- Mine Sweeper, my solution
- 01 Matrix, my solution
- Minimum Genetic Mutation, my solution
- Accounts Merge, solution
- Sentence Similarity II, solution
- Network Delay time, solution