See for documentation, downloads, and general information about the Swift parallel scripting language.
Official releases are available at
This is the source code for the Swift/K implementation of the language. Swift/K focuses on robust distributed execution of tasks, particularly command-line programs operating on files, on varied compute resources including clouds and clusters. The sibling Swift/T implementation ( focuses on high-performance computation on clusters and supercomputers.
Run ant redist
to build Swift. The compiled Swift distribution will
be created under dist/swift-<version>
(dist/swift-svn for the
development version). Copy this directory to your preferred
location to install it. If you are unfamiliar with Swift, we suggest
you start with the Swift tutorials to get yourself familiarized:
At the root of the repository are a number of subdirectories that contain the source code and supporting files for the Swift language. The main directories are:
- bin: Swift executables
- build: working directory for temporary build files
- cogkit: modules based on the Java CoG kit
- dist: destination for final compiled distribution of Swift
- docs: Swift documentation
- etc: miscellaneous supporting files
- lib: libraries required for Swift, particularly Java jars.
- libexec: other libraries required for Swift, particularly Karajan libraries and shell scripts
- resources: miscellaneous resources used in building Swift.
- src: Java source code for Swift compiler and runtime.
- tests: test suite for Swift
Swift depends on a number of additional modules that reside in their own
directories under cogkit/modules
, for example cogkit/modules/karajan
Some of the more interesting modules are:
- karajan: the Karajan language, used as a compilation target for Swift.
- provider-coaster: the Coaster service and Java client for lightweight execution of jobs on remote resources
- provider-coaster-c-client: a C/C++ client for the Coaster service
- provider-...: other providers that support remote job execution on various computing resources
This distribution of Swift incorporates code originally developed by the
CoG (Commodity Grid) project. For information about the Java CoG Kit
see README.txt, CHANGES.txt and LICENSE.txt in cogkit
, and Thanks to Gregor von Laszweski and the rest
of the CoG developers.