The single dot that has it all.
Clone the repository into ~/dotfiles: git clone ~/dotfiles
- Install Neovim
brew install neovim
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/nvim ~/.config/nvim
- Install Packer for plugins
- Install plugins:
nvim +PackerSync +TSUpdate
- Install alacritty
brew install --cask alacritty
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/alacritty ~/.config/alacritty
- osc notification support, to solve a problem with the terminal icon jumping in the dock
- Install Tmux
brew install tmux
- Install Plugin Manager
- Install Pluggins: Press prefix + I (capital i, as in Install)
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
- notifications make an icon at the dock jump
- Prevent from copying to clipboard on mouse select
- Copy selected text on CMD+C
- font rendering: wezterm/wezterm#2523
- opt+key bug: wezterm/wezterm#4739
- strikethrough text support
- error text highlighting
- do not copy on select
- tab support
- configuration in a file
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/wezterm/wezterm.lua ~/.wezterm.lua
- Install:
brew install kitty
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/kitty ~/.config/kitty
- the maintainer is a character kovidgoyal/kitty#3544
- Replace configuration:
ln -s ~/dotfiles/ghostty ~/.config/ghostty
- MacOS tabs neovide/neovide#2378
- winbar glitches while scrolling neovide/neovide#2406
- modal borders and lines look broken
- Create a new file
- The file should return Packer formatted string or a table, with a path to the plugin. eg:
return { 'mrded/{plugin-name}' }
- Include the file name at
, plugins table. - Save and update Packer, to apply changes:
nvim +PackerSync +TSUpdate
- font Monaco support
- font strikethrough support
- to test:
echo -e "\e[9mstrikethrough\e[0m"
- to test:
- Grovbox theme support
- Tabs and Splits (possibly without xterm)
- iTerm 2 shortcuts
- Config in a file
- Possibility to select text without copying
- When changing plugin's settings, you need to run
nvim +PackerSync +TSUpdate
, as settings are cached. - Plugin dependencies (eg language servers) should install automagically by Mason, if not - troubleshoot that direction.
neovim may not install plugins propperly. Try to running :UpdateRemotePlugins
treesitter may give errors. Try running :TSUpdate
to update languages.