- Cluj / Romania
- https://mihaiolteanu.me/
ulitza Public
Famous people on street names worldwide
mugur Public
Configurator for QMK compatible keyboards
vuiet Public
The music player and explorer for Emacs
versuri Public
The lyrics package for Emacs
lastfm.el Public
Last.fm API for Emacs Lisp
lyrics Public
A Common Lisp library for searching and storing song lyrics
youtube Public
Play songs from youtube given a youtube url or a search string.
metacircular Public
SICP's metacircular evaluator in C
lastfm Public
Last.fm API for Common Lisp
zbucium-stump Public
StumpWM interface for the zbucium last.fm music player
circuiteelectrice Public
Romanian translation of "Lessons in Electric Circuits" by Tony R. Kuphaldt.
muse Public
A last.fm like mouseless music player with lyrics
bash-lyrics Public
Save, search and play the lyrics
lastag Public
tag mp3 files with music genres from last.fm
802_ro Public
Romanian subtitles for Walter Lewin's "8.02x - Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism "
HTML UpdatedDec 1, 2016 -
OrarTursib Public
Sibiu bus schedule for Android (with data from www.tursib.ro)
cnew Public
Create a new c empty project with Makefile with automatic dependency generation, unit tests setup and git initialization
muse-bash Public
Last.fm from the command line
xinu-beaglebone-howto Public
How to download and boot the Xinu Os from a BeagleBone Black
fastmailnotify Public
Simple Ubuntu email notifier for FastMail accounts