This project implements "json-server" package with an basic authentication system based on JWT.
You get information about "JSON-Server" in
Enter this command to start your API REST server:
node index
In this case, JSON server starts on Port 3000 and uses a json file the path: "json-samples/default.json".
Port configuration and JSON file can be configured via args:
node index --file=./json-samples/series.json --port=3333
- Login: /login
- Sign-in: /sign-in
- Verify user: /verify (This route only tests the authenticity of a token)
Send to /login and /sign-in routes a POST request with user object in body, like this:
{email: "[email protected]", password: "1234"}
Send to "/verify" route the auth token in the HTTP headers.
"Content-Type': "application/json",
"token": "Put_here_the_token"
Users are stored in memory. So, all users are deleted in server restarts. When the application starts, one user is setup for direct use.
- email: [email protected]
- password: 1234
You can edit the file index.js to configure this user with other data, or setup another users on application start.
- All GET routes of the REST API produced by JSON Server are public routes.
- Other HTTP methods (POST, PUT, DELETE...) are behind authenticated routes
Like "/verify" route, send the token in headers to authenticated API routes, otherways you will get an 401 error response:
"Content-Type': "application/json",
"token": "Put_here_the_token"