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Ed Lomonaco edited this page Jul 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Donut Chart


var chart = new DonutChart { Entries = entries };


HoleRadius (float)

Gets or sets the radius of the hole in the center of the chart.

Default Value: 0.5

LabelMode (LabelMode)

Gets or sets a value whether the caption elements should all reside on the right side.

Default Value: LabelMode.LeftAndRight

GraphPosition (GraphPosition)

Gets or sets whether the graph should be drawn in the center or automatically fill the space.

Default Value: GraphPosition.AutoFill

Inherited from base

IsAnimated (bool)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether chart is animated when entries change.

Default Value: true

AnimationDuration (TimeSpan)

Gets or sets the duration of the animation.

Default Value: 1.5

AnimationProgress (float)

Gets or sets the animation progress.

LabelTextSize (float)

Gets or sets the text size of the labels.

Default Value: 16

Typeface (SKTypeface)

Gets or sets the font.

BackgroundColor (SKColor)

Gets or sets the color of the chart background.

Default Value: SKColors.White

LabelColor (SKColor)

Gets or sets the color of the labels.

Default Value: SKColor.Gray

MinValue (float)

Gets or sets the minimum value from entries. If not defined, it will be the minimum between zero and the minimal entry value.

Default Value: 0

MaxValue (float)

Gets or sets the maximum value from entries. If not defined, it will be the maximum between zero and the maximum entry value.

Default Value: 0

Margin (float)

Gets or sets the global margin.

Default Value: 20