Alexandru Ghitulescu, [email protected], 26.08.2016
Public release of ARIA-Valuspa
- Windows 8.1 64bit
- CUDA for eMax
- Java 8 64bit JDK (
ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is bundeled with the system. In order to make it run, the JAVA_HOME environment path has to point to the JDK install directory. (for a default instalation of java this would be C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60) If any problems arrise, please use this guide .
- run get_models.bat to get the models
- follow the instructions in README-ASR to get a virtual machine with the ASR working
'Start ActiveMQ.bat' - starts the ActiveMQ broker
'Stop ActiveMQ.bat' - stops a running instance of the broker
'RUN-Alice.bat' - starts the full system - requires ActiveMQ to be started first ('Start ActiveMQ.bat')
'Start launcher.bat' - starts an empty launcher with no configuration