A game for the Cultural Heritage Game Jam, using the mechanics of Reigns and Lapse.
Work-in-progress game design document and story blocks.
You can also play it at itch.io. Alternatively, watch a walkthrough video.
The first interactive story is based on Brothers Grimm's Trusty John fairy tale.
One team member and idea are from the EU-funded Values accross space and time project.
Placeholder low-res icons from SreamlineHQ.
Due to the fact that the story is loaded dynamically and browser security, a local server is needed for development. To get it running you need to install Node.js first.
Then to setup the project, go to the project root directory (where this README.md file is) and run
npm install grunt
Then you're ready to go. Type:
And you'll have the game run locally and opened in the browser. Whenever you make changes to the code, the server will update it automatically.
| The initiative for participation in the Cultural Heritage Game Jam and the idea for this game prototype have stemmed from the VAST project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004949. This website reflects only the view of the authors and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. |