API improvements, Direct data querying. Update on new task On-Demand Data Streaming.
Release 1.7.8: API improvements, Direct data querying. Update on new task On-Demand Data Streaming.
Hello @dataverse・13 ! We are excited to announce the latest update that adds on-demand data streaming capabilities to SN13! This feature allows validators to request small chunks of data (<1k rows) from miners through the API. As well as direct possibility to query data from the network to the API users.
Key Features
On-Demand Data Streaming
- Validators can request data directly from top miners
- Supports both X (Twitter) and Reddit data sources
- Built-in validation and reward system
API Bucket quering
- Validators can request any timebucket from the network via API.
*New Scoring Info for Miners*
- Pre-implemented on-demand handling in miner template
- Freedom to customize scraping implementations
- Automatic reward system:
- Top 50% miners by trust participate in validation
- 50% chance of validation per request
- Successful validation: +0.1% credibility boost
- Failed validation: 1% credibility decrease
here we will include a link to scoring.md that in dev
Other Updates:
HF Updates:
- Added miner hotkey and UID in Hugging Face scoring logs.
Dynamic Desirability Updates:
- Added endpoint to validator API to get the latest unscaled JSON desirability submission for a given hotkey.
- If no hotkey is specified, returns the current total dynamic list used by the validator.
- Used subtensor.commit to update retrieval and upload functions to be compatible with dTao update.
- Small config change to MinerEvaluator to be compatible with dTao update.
- Increased total label scale factor pool for the dynamic list to 100.
- (All dynamically incentivized labels across all validators will have their scale factors add up to 100).
- Added JSON formatting when displaying current dynamic desirability list for readability improvements in wandb logs.
Happy Scraping!