A React Cookie Banner component GDPR compliance.
yarn add @palmabit/react-cookie-law
npm install --save @palmabit/react-cookie-law
import { CookieBanner } from '@palmabit/react-cookie-law';
message="Cookie banner message"
onAccept = {() => {}}
onAcceptPreferences = {() => {}}
onAcceptStatistics = {() => {}}
onAcceptMarketing = {() => {}}
Name | Type | Default | Description |
className | string | optional. Classes | |
message | string | Required. Custom text of the banner | |
wholeDomain | bool | false | optional. Enable or disable the root path '/' option when a cookie is set |
policyLink | string | "/#" | optional. Link to privacy policy page |
privacyPolicyLinkText | string | "Privacy Policy" | optional. Text for the privacy policy link |
necessaryOptionText | string | "Necessary" | optional. Text for the necessary cookies checkbox |
preferencesOptionText | string | "Preferences" | optional. Text for the preferences cookies checkbox |
statisticsOptionText | string | "Statistics" | optional. Text for the statistics cookies checkbox |
marketingOptionText | string | "Marketing" | optional. Text for the marketing cookies checkbox |
acceptButtonText | string | "Accept" | optional. Text for the accept button |
declineButtonText | string | "Decline" | optional. Text for the decline button |
managePreferencesButtonText | string | "Decline" | optional. Text for the manage preferences button |
savePreferencesButtonText | string | "Decline" | optional. Text for the save and close* button |
showDeclineButton | bool | false | optional. Show or hide the decline button |
dismissOnScroll | bool | false | optional. Enable or disable the dismissing on scroll of the banner |
showPreferencesOption | bool | true | optional. Show or hide the preferences checkbox |
showStatisticsOption | bool | true | optional. Show or hide the statistics checkbox |
showMarketingOption | bool | true | optional. Show or hide the marketing checkbox |
preferencesDefaultChecked | bool | true | optional. Check the preferences checkbox as default |
statisticsDefaultChecked | bool | true | optional. Check the statistics checkbox as default |
marketingDefaultChecked | bool | true | optional. Check the marketing checkbox as default |
onAccept | function | Function | optional. Callback called when the consent is given |
onAcceptPreferences | function | Function | optional. Callback called if preferences cookies is accepted |
onAcceptStatistics | function | Function | optional. Callback called if statistics cookies is accepted |
onAcceptMarketing | function | Function | optional. Callback called if marketing cookies is accepted |
onDeclinePreferences | function | Function | optional. Callback called if preferences cookies is declined |
onDeclineStatistics | function | Function | optional. Callback called if statistics cookies is declined |
onDeclineMarketing | function | Function | optional. Callback called if marketing cookies is declined |
message="Cookie banner message"
dialog: { backgroundColor: 'red' }
Style option | Description |
dialog | Style that override .react-cookie-law-dialog class |
container | .react-cookie-law-container class |
message | Style for banner text (.react-cookie-law-message class) |
policy | Style for cookie policy link (.react-cookie-law-policy class) |
selectPane | Style for select pane (.react-cookie-law-select-pane class) |
optionWrapper | Style for option checkbox wrapper (.react-cookie-law-option-wrapper class) |
optionLabel | Style for the text of checkbox labels |
checkbox | Style for checkboxes (.react-cookie-law-option-checkbox class) |
buttonWrapper | Style for buttons wrapper (.react-cookie-law-dialog class) |
button | Style for buttons (.react-cookie-law-dialog class) |
yarn test
npm test