- run the project
- navigate to
- Since this demo application has no validation, Please select the currencies first by selecting the 2 dropdown (AOA and USD in the above slide)
- The conversion happens everytime you lost focus on the input field. In the above slide, I entered a value from the AOA field then when I lost focus the conversion happened.
- Same goes in reverse; If you lost focus on the Selling field or the 2nd field (USD in this example). If you want to check the buying amount.
NOTE : The conversion is not comming from the endpoint provided as I'm not allowed to invoke it due to my subscription
As a workaround, In the backend I randomly generate an equivalent convertion rate regardless of the currency being requested.
In order to run docker-compose must have Docker
for Windows : https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/
- clone the project
- run
docker-compose up --build -d
- navigate to the UI :
url : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
angular 10
for state management
- No field and API validation
- Cannot use the actual conversion endpoint
- No Junit
- When the page loads, It calls an api from the backend which then pulls all the symbols(currency code) from
- Everytime the user lost focus from the input field and invocation of an API happened.
- If possible, Please test accordingly as I'm not able to add validation due to time constraint.