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Derek Lamb edited this page Sep 19, 2015 · 2 revisions

May 13, 2005 event

Notes at LWS-TR&T meeting, 14-Nov-2007

Aspects of the erupting AR that we need to capture:

  • Converging flows on neutral line
  • Zoran's diverging flow on the east part of the neutral line
  • A late emergence event on the southwest part of the neutral line(?)
  • Rotating sunspot effect might be important (white light images will determine)
  • Shearing flows along the neutral line

Manolis has performed correlation tracking of several magnetic data sets; will make them available on the TR&T group website. He'll also do correlation tracking of the TRACE white light data, when available.

Action items

  • TRACE white-light data to Manolis! (cropped/tracked and heliographic)