esp-idf has support for the spiffs file system, but the directory support is not implemented.
This example uses the modified spiffs VFS driver which enables the directory support.
The original esp-idf spiffs driver is modified in a way that directories are enabled.
To enable the new spiffs driver, spiffs directory from esp-idf components directory is copied to the project's components directory.
Only the esp_spiffs.c file was modified to enable directory support.
The standard mkdir() and rmdir() functions are added to the spiffs VFS driver.
The modified version of mkspiffs is also provided which supports building spiffs file system image with directories.
- directory handling enabled
- example of directory list functions
- example of file copy functions
When using file related functions which has filename argument, prefix /spiffs/ has to be added to the file name.
Configure your esp32 build environment as for other esp-idf examples
Clone the repository
git clone
Execute menuconfig and configure your Serial flash config and other settings. Included sdkconfig.defaults sets some defaults to be used.
Navigate to SPIffs Example Configuration and set SPIFFS options.
Select if you want to use wifi (recommended) to get the time from NTP server and set your WiFi SSID and password.
make menuconfig
Make and flash the example.
make all && make flash
Before the image can be prepared, the mkspiffs executable must be created.
The sdkconfig.h is used in build process!
Before building, copy the sdkconfig.h from build/include directory to components/mkspiffs/include.
Change the working directory to components/mkspiffs/include.
make clean
The simple build_mkspiffs script is provided which executes all the necessary steps automatically, just execute
Important: whenever you change spiffs configuration using menuconfig you must rebuild mkspiffs
It is not required to prepare the image, as the spiffs will be automatically formated on first use, but it might be convenient.
SFPIFFS image can be prepared on host and flashed to ESP32.
Copy the files to be included on spiffs into components/spiffs_image/image/ directory. Subdirectories can also be added.
make makefs
to create spiffs image in build directory without flashing to ESP32
make flashfs
to create spiffs image in build directory and flash it to ESP32
- get the time from NTP server and set the system time (if WiFi is enabled)
- register spiffs as VFS file system; if the fs is not formated (1st start) it will be formated and mounted
- perform some file system tests
- write text to file
- read the file back
- make directory
- copy file from root to the new directory
- remove file from new directory
- remove the new directory
- list files in root directory and subdirectories
- perform timing test
- perform multitask test (if enabled in menuconfig)
Example output:
I (4221) [SPIFFS example]: ==== STARTING SPIFFS TEST ====
==== Write to file ====
file: "/spiffs/test.txt"
351 bytes written
==== Read from file ====
file: "/spiffs/test.txt"
351 bytes read [
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 1
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 2
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 3
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 4
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 5
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 6
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 7
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 8
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 9
ESP32 spiffs write to file, line 10
==== Read from file included in sfiffs image ====
file: "/spiffs/"
405 bytes read [
Spiffs is a file system intended for SPI NOR flash devices on embedded targets.
Spiffs is designed with following characteristics in mind:
* Small (embedded) targets, sparse RAM without heap
* Only big areas of data (blocks) can be erased
* An erase will reset all bits in block to ones
* Writing pulls one to zeroes
* Zeroes can only be pulled to ones by erase
* Wear leveling
==== List root directory ====
List of Directory [/spiffs/]
T Size Date/Time Name
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 images
f 405 07/06/2018 10:59
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt
756 in 2 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 758 KB of 934 KB
==== Make new directory ====
dir: "/spiffs/newdir"
Directory created
Copy file from root to new directory...
List the new directory
List of Directory [/spiffs/newdir]
T Size Date/Time Name
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt.copy
351 in 1 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 757 KB of 934 KB
List root directory, the "newdir" should be listed
List of Directory [/spiffs/]
T Size Date/Time Name
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 images
f 405 07/06/2018 10:59
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 newdir
756 in 2 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 757 KB of 934 KB
Try to remove non empty directory...
Error removing directory (90) Directory not empty
Removing file from new directory...
Removing directory...
List root directory, the "newdir" should be gone
List of Directory [/spiffs/]
T Size Date/Time Name
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 images
f 405 07/06/2018 10:59
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt
756 in 2 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 758 KB of 934 KB
==== List content of the directory "images" ====
==== which is included on spiffs image ====
List of Directory [/spiffs/images]
T Size Date/Time Name
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 test
f 39310 07/06/2018 10:59 test1.jpg
f 50538 07/06/2018 10:59 test2.jpg
f 47438 07/06/2018 10:59 test4.jpg
137286 in 3 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 758 KB of 934 KB
==== Get the timings of spiffs operations
==== Operation:
==== Open file for writting, append 1 byte, close file
==== Open file for readinging, read 8 bytes, close file
==== 2 ms sleep between operations
==== 1000 operations will be executed
I (9028) Test: Started.
I (9498) Test: 100 reads/writes
I (9918) Test: 200 reads/writes
I (10346) Test: 300 reads/writes
I (10779) Test: 400 reads/writes
I (11209) Test: 500 reads/writes
I (11645) Test: 600 reads/writes
I (12079) Test: 700 reads/writes
I (12511) Test: 800 reads/writes
I (12945) Test: 900 reads/writes
I (13376) Test: 1000 reads/writes
W (13376) Test: Min write time: 2523 us
W (13376) Test: Max write time: 2987 us
W (13377) Test: Min read time: 327 us
W (13382) Test: Max read time: 462 us
W (13386) Test: Total run time: 4348 ms
I (13391) Test: Finished
List of Directory [/spiffs/]
T Size Date/Time Name
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 images
f 405 07/06/2018 10:59
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt
f 1001 07/06/2018 10:59 testfil3.txt
1757 in 3 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 756 KB of 934 KB
Open file for writting, append 1 byte, close file
Open file for readinging, read 8 bytes, close file
2 ms sleep between operations
Each task will perform 1000 operations
Expected run time 40~100 seconds
I (14970) [TASK_1]: Started.
I (15170) [TASK_2]: Started.
I (15350) [TASK_1]: 100 reads/writes
I (15370) [TASK_3]: Started.
I (15840) [TASK_2]: 100 reads/writes
I (16220) [TASK_1]: 200 reads/writes
I (16340) [TASK_3]: 100 reads/writes
I (16722) [TASK_2]: 200 reads/writes
I (17149) [TASK_1]: 300 reads/writes
I (17295) [TASK_3]: 200 reads/writes
I (17644) [TASK_2]: 300 reads/writes
I (18055) [TASK_1]: 400 reads/writes
I (18295) [TASK_3]: 300 reads/writes
I (18573) [TASK_2]: 400 reads/writes
I (18999) [TASK_1]: 500 reads/writes
I (19308) [TASK_3]: 400 reads/writes
I (20023) [TASK_2]: 500 reads/writes
I (21294) [TASK_1]: 600 reads/writes
I (21900) [TASK_3]: 500 reads/writes
I (22153) [TASK_2]: 600 reads/writes
I (22577) [TASK_1]: 700 reads/writes
I (22829) [TASK_3]: 600 reads/writes
I (23086) [TASK_2]: 700 reads/writes
I (23541) [TASK_1]: 800 reads/writes
I (23731) [TASK_3]: 700 reads/writes
I (24002) [TASK_2]: 800 reads/writes
I (24417) [TASK_1]: 900 reads/writes
I (24699) [TASK_3]: 800 reads/writes
I (24932) [TASK_2]: 900 reads/writes
I (25308) [TASK_1]: 1000 reads/writes
I (25308) [TASK_1]: Finished
I (25669) [TASK_3]: 900 reads/writes
I (26083) [TASK_2]: 1000 reads/writes
I (26083) [TASK_2]: Finished
I (26875) [TASK_3]: 1000 reads/writes
W (26875) [TASK_3]: Min write time: 2553 us
W (26875) [TASK_3]: Max write time: 154609 us
W (26878) [TASK_3]: Min read time: 337 us
W (26883) [TASK_3]: Max read time: 144128 us
W (26888) [TASK_3]: Total run time: 57729 ms
I (26893) [TASK_3]: Finished
List of Directory [/spiffs/]
T Size Date/Time Name
f 1001 07/06/2018 11:00 testfil2.txt
f 405 07/06/2018 10:59
f 1001 07/06/2018 11:00 testfil3.txt
d - 07/06/2018 10:59 images
f 1001 07/06/2018 11:00 testfil1.txt
f 351 07/06/2018 10:59 test.txt
3759 in 5 file(s)
SPIFFS: free 754 KB of 934 KB
Total multitask test run time: 60 seconds
I (28870) [SPIFFS example]: ==== SPIFFS TEST FINISHED ====