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fix: solady hashToG2
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Jeday committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 74664a2 commit 45116dc
Showing 1 changed file with 99 additions and 115 deletions.
214 changes: 99 additions & 115 deletions contracts/0.8.25/lib/BLS.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ library BLS {
uint256 constant FP_NO_SIGN_BIT_MASK = uint256(0x01fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff);

address constant MOD_EXP = address(0x05);
address constant SHA256 = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002;
address constant MOD_EXP = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000005;

/// forge
// MUL is deprecated in actual EIP in favor of MSM trivial case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,137 +221,120 @@ library BLS {
return abi.decode(output, (G2Point));

function hashToFieldFp2(bytes32 message) internal view returns (Fp2[2] memory) {
// 1. len_in_bytes = count * m * L
// so always 2 * 2 * 64 = 256
// 2. uniform_bytes = expand_message(msg, DST, len_in_bytes)
bytes32[] memory pseudoRandomBytes = expandMsgXmd(message);
Fp2[2] memory u;
// No loop here saves 800 gas hardcoding offset an additional 300
// 3. for i in (0, ..., count - 1):
// 4. for j in (0, ..., m - 1):
// 5. elm_offset = L * (j + i * m)
// 6. tv = substr(uniform_bytes, elm_offset, HTF_L)
// uint8 HTF_L = 64;
// bytes memory tv = new bytes(64);
// 7. e_j = OS2IP(tv) mod p
// 8. u_i = (e_0, ..., e_(m - 1))
// tv = bytes.concat(pseudo_random_bytes[0], pseudo_random_bytes[1]);
u[0].c0 = modfield(pseudoRandomBytes[0], pseudoRandomBytes[1]);
u[0].c1 = modfield(pseudoRandomBytes[2], pseudoRandomBytes[3]);
u[1].c0 = modfield(pseudoRandomBytes[4], pseudoRandomBytes[5]);
u[1].c1 = modfield(pseudoRandomBytes[6], pseudoRandomBytes[7]);
// 9. return (u_0, ..., u_(count - 1))
return u;
// solady struct is used to avoid memory corruption
// TODO: switch to 100% solady lib methods
struct _G2Point {
bytes32 x_c0_a;
bytes32 x_c0_b;
bytes32 x_c1_a;
bytes32 x_c1_b;
bytes32 y_c0_a;
bytes32 y_c0_b;
bytes32 y_c1_a;
bytes32 y_c1_b;

// passing two bytes32 instead of bytes memory saves approx 700 gas per call
// Computes the mod against the bls12-381 field modulus
function modfield(bytes32 _b1, bytes32 _b2) internal view returns (Fp memory r) {
(bool success, bytes memory output) = MOD_EXP.staticcall(
// arg[0] = base.length
// arg[1] = exp.length
// arg[2] = mod.length
// arg[3] = base.bits
// places the first 32 bytes of _b1 and the last 32 bytes of _b2
// arg[4] = exp
// exponent always 1
// arg[5] = mod
// this field_modulus as hex 4002409555221667393417789825735904156556882819939007885332058136124031650490837864442687629129015664037894272559787
// we add the 0 prefix so that the result will be exactly 64 bytes
// saves 300 gas per call instead of sending it along every time
// places the first 32 bytes and the last 32 bytes of the field modulus
if (!success) {
revert ModExpFailed();
return abi.decode(output, (Fp));

function hashToCurveG2(bytes32 message) internal view returns (G2Point memory) {
// 1. u = hash_to_field(msg, 2)
Fp2[2] memory u = hashToFieldFp2(message);
// 2. Q0 = map_to_curve(u[0])
G2Point memory q0 = mapFp2ToG2(u[0]);
// 3. Q1 = map_to_curve(u[1])
G2Point memory q1 = mapFp2ToG2(u[1]);
// 4. R = Q0 + Q1

// G2ADD address is 0x0e
(bool success, bytes memory output) = BLS12_G2ADD.staticcall(abi.encode(q0, q1));
if (!success) {
revert BLSG2AddFailed();
// Solady hashToG2 modified to accept bytes32 instead of bytes
function hashToG2(bytes32 message) internal view returns (G2Point memory) {
uint256[8] memory result;
assembly ("memory-safe") {
function dstPrime(o_, i_) -> _o {
mstore8(o_, i_) // 1.
mstore(add(o_, 0x01), "BLS_SIG_BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_S") // 32.
mstore(add(o_, 0x21), "SWU_RO_POP_\x2b") // 12.
_o := add(0x2d, o_)

function sha2(data_, n_) -> _h {
if iszero(and(eq(returndatasize(), 0x20), staticcall(gas(), SHA256, data_, n_, 0x00, 0x20))) {
revert(calldatasize(), 0x00)
_h := mload(0x00)

function modfield(s_, b_) {
mcopy(add(s_, 0x60), b_, 0x40)
if iszero(and(eq(returndatasize(), 0x40), staticcall(gas(), MOD_EXP, s_, 0x100, b_, 0x40))) {
revert(calldatasize(), 0x00)

function mapToG2(s_, r_) {
if iszero(
and(eq(returndatasize(), 0x100), staticcall(gas(), BLS12_MAP_FP2_TO_G2, s_, 0x80, r_, 0x100))
) {
mstore(0x00, 0x89083b91) // `MapFp2ToG2Failed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)

let b := mload(0x40)
let s := add(b, 0x100)
mstore(add(s, 0x40), message)
let o := add(add(s, 0x40), 0x20)
mstore(o, shl(240, 256))
let b0 := sha2(s, sub(dstPrime(add(0x02, o), 0), s))
mstore(0x20, b0)
mstore(s, b0)
mstore(b, sha2(s, sub(dstPrime(add(0x20, s), 1), s)))
let j := b
for {
let i := 2
} 1 {

} {
mstore(s, xor(b0, mload(j)))
j := add(j, 0x20)
mstore(j, sha2(s, sub(dstPrime(add(0x20, s), i), s)))
i := add(i, 1)
if eq(i, 9) {

mstore(add(s, 0x00), 0x40)
mstore(add(s, 0x20), 0x20)
mstore(add(s, 0x40), 0x40)
mstore(add(s, 0xa0), 1)
mstore(add(s, 0xc0), 0x000000000000000000000000000000001a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd7)
mstore(add(s, 0xe0), 0x64774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab)
modfield(s, add(b, 0x00))
modfield(s, add(b, 0x40))
modfield(s, add(b, 0x80))
modfield(s, add(b, 0xc0))

mapToG2(b, result)
mapToG2(add(0x80, b), add(0x100, result))

if iszero(and(eq(returndatasize(), 0x100), staticcall(gas(), BLS12_G2ADD, result, 0x200, result, 0x100))) {
mstore(0x00, 0xc55e5e33) // `G2AddFailed()`.
revert(0x1c, 0x04)
return abi.decode(output, (G2Point));

/// @notice Computes a field point from a message
/// @dev Follows
/// @dev bytes32[] because len_in_bytes is always a multiple of 32 in our case even 128
/// @param message byte32 to be hashed
/// @return A field point
function expandMsgXmd(bytes32 message) internal pure returns (bytes32[] memory) {
// 1. ell = ceil(len_in_bytes / b_in_bytes)
// b_in_bytes seems to be 32 for sha256
// ceil the division
uint256 ell = (MSG_LENGTH - 1) / 32 + 1;

bytes memory dstPrime = bytes.concat(DST, bytes1(uint8(DST.length)));

// 4. Z_pad = I2OSP(0, s_in_bytes)
// this should be sha256 blocksize so 64 bytes
bytes memory zPad = new bytes(64);

// 5. l_i_b_str = I2OSP(len_in_bytes, 2)
// length in byte string?
bytes2 libStr = bytes2(MSG_LENGTH);

// 6. msg_prime = Z_pad || msg || l_i_b_str || I2OSP(0, 1) || DST_prime
bytes memory msgPrime = bytes.concat(zPad, message, libStr, hex"00", dstPrime);

// 7. b_0 = H(msg_prime)
bytes32 b_0 = sha256(msgPrime);

bytes32[] memory b = new bytes32[](ell);

// 8. b_1 = H(b_0 || I2OSP(1, 1) || DST_prime)
b[0] = sha256(bytes.concat(b_0, hex"01", dstPrime));

// 9. for i in (2, ..., ell):
for (uint8 i = 2; i <= ell; i++) {
// 10. b_i = H(strxor(b_0, b_(i - 1)) || I2OSP(i, 1) || DST_prime)
bytes memory tmp = abi.encodePacked(b_0 ^ b[i - 2], i, dstPrime);
b[i - 1] = sha256(tmp);
// 11. uniform_bytes = b_1 || ... || b_ell
// 12. return substr(uniform_bytes, 0, len_in_bytes)
// Here we don't need the uniform_bytes because b is already properly formed
return b;
Fp2(Fp(result[0], result[1]), Fp(result[2], result[3])),
Fp2(Fp(result[4], result[5]), Fp(result[6], result[7]))

function verifyDepositMessage(
IStakingVault.Deposit calldata deposit,
DepositYComponents calldata depositY,
bytes32 withdrawalCredentials
) internal view {
bytes32 message = SSZ.depositMessageSigningRoot(deposit, withdrawalCredentials);
G2Point memory msgG2 = hashToCurveG2(message);
bytes32 root = SSZ.depositMessageSigningRoot(deposit, withdrawalCredentials);
G2Point memory msgG2 = hashToG2(root);
// might be exsessive, need to check

// can be optimized by correctly copying calldata bytes to precompile input
// pubkeyG1 = ( 16byte pad | flag_mask & deposit.pubkey | depositY.pubkeyY)
G1Point memory pubkeyG1 = decodeG1Point(deposit.pubkey, depositY.pubkeyY);

// signatureG2 is tricker as signature has Fp
G2Point memory signatureG2 = decodeG2Point(deposit.signature, depositY.signatureY);

Expand Down

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