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42 São Paulo - minishell

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Build Tests Norminette v3 LucasKuhn Tester

The most hellish shell to ever shell in pure C.

📜 Table of Contents

🐚 Cone Snails

Cone snails, cone shells, or cones are a large group of small- to large-sized extremely venomous predatory sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs.

A group of shells of various species of cone snails

The intricate color patterns of cones have made them one of the most popular collectible shells.

Most of the cone snails that hunt worms rather than fish are probably not a risk to humans, with the possible exception of larger species. Symptoms of a more serious cone snail sting include intense, localized pain, swelling, numbness and tingling and vomiting. Symptoms can start immediately or can be delayed for days. Severe cases involve muscle paralysis, changes in vision, and respiratory failure that can lead to death.


As deadly as they may be, cone snails ain't got nothing on minishells.

🧐 About

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|                                            by lpaulo-m & wwallas-              |
|                                                                                |
|              - CONTROL+C: Reads new line                                       |
|              - CONTROL+D: Exits program cleanly                                |
|              - help: Print help message                                        |
|                                                                                |

A fully featured shell based on bash. It reads a command from the user, lexes it, parses it, and executes it. It handles pipes, file redirections and heredocs. It has a working history and responds to signals. It also took 12 years to make (🤭).

For more details and examples you can read the Docs and the Checklist.

🏁 Getting Started

📦 Dependencies

You will need to install libreadline-dev. You can get it through apt-get (recommended):

$ sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev

Or you could build it yourself if you're into that:

🖥️ Installing

Clone the repo and build with make:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd ft_minishell
$ make

This should create a minishell executable in the root folder:


You can also run it in debug mode with the flag -d:

./minishell -d

🧪 Tests

You can run all tests with:

$ make -s tests

Or individual tests with:

$ make -s test t=lexer/tokens

You can also run them with valgrind:

$ make -s vgtests
$ make -s vgtest t=lexer/tokens

📝 Notes

🛸 42 São Paulo

Part of the larger 42 Network, 42 São Paulo is a software engineering school that offers a healthy alternative to traditional education:

  • It doesn't have any teachers and classes.
  • Students learn by cooperating and correcting each other's work (peer-to-peer learning).
  • Its focus is as much on social skills as it is on technical skills.
  • It's completely free to anyone that passes its selection process - The Piscine

It's an amazing school, and I'm grateful for the opportunity.

📚 Resources