This release is mostly bugfixes, and updating is recommended. It also updates Gradle to 8.12.1, Construo to 1.6.1, and VisUI to 1.5.5, while getting MOE to use the (real) release 1.12.1 instead of the (possibly imaginary) release 1.13.1 . These each have various improvements and fixes they contribute, plus there's a major fix to GWT's superDev
task, which broke at some point because of something changing in unrelated code, like IDEA, Gretty, Gradle, or some other necessary part. Unfortunately, that major fix currently works by using System.exit(0)
in html/build.gradle
when you stop running superDev
, which prints some harmless error messages. I would like a better approach, but I don't know of any other way to stop a Thread started by a Gradle plugin that I can't otherwise access. But, it gets superDev working again, and you don't need to force any processes to stop using Task Manager or some similar app, so I see it as a major improvement. I'm not sure how long GWT has been starting zombie processes, but now they will die and stay dead. For completely unrelated reasons to how abominably hacked-together the GWT solution is, TeaVM no longer is referred to as "experimental".
Enjoy your plate full of fixes!