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OpenAI Assistant


  1. rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values.
  2. Select F5 to start the bot in debugger mode.
  3. From your browswer, navigate to to start the bot.

[Optional] Get a Literal AI API key


Literal AI is an all in one observability, evaluation and analytics platform for building LLM apps.

Go to Literal AI, create a project and go to Settings to get your API key.

Deploying on Azure

Review the Deploy a containerized Flask or FastAPI web app on Azure App Service

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Change directory to the project folder

    cd contoso-sales-azure-openai-assistant
  3. Open the project in Visual Studio Code

    code .
  4. You'll be prompted to open in a Dev Container. Select Reopen in Container

  5. Open the terminal in VS Code

  6. Export the following environment variables

    Set these deployment variables in your terminal

    export RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=<value>
    export RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION=<value>      # Suggest a location near the model location, use az account list-locations --query "[].name" --output tsv
    export APP_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME=<value>
    export WEB_APP_NAME=<value>
    export CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME=<value>
    export CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME=<value>
    export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)

    Set these Azure OpenAI environment variables in your terminal

    export AZURE_OPENAI_RESOURCE_NAME=<value>   # This should be the Azure AI Proxy endpoint for the event
    export AZURE_OPENAI_LOCATION=<value>        # eg swedencentral
    export AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT=<value>      # eg gpt-4o
    export AZURE_OPENAI_API_VERSION=<value>     # eg 2024-05-01-preview

    Set the following application specific environment variables in your terminal

    export AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT=<value>        # This should be the Azure AI Proxy endpoint for the event
    export LITERAL_API_KEY=<value>              # Optional, go to Literal AI, create a project and go to Settings to get your API key.
    export CHAINLIT_AUTH_SECRET=$(chainlit create-secret | cut -d'"' -f2)
    export AZURE_OPENAI_ASSISTANT_ID=<value>

Create the Azure resources

  1. Create a resource group

    az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --location $RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION
  2. Create a container registry

    az acr create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name $CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME --sku Basic
  3. Create an App Service plan

    az appservice plan create --name $YOUR_APP_SERVICE_PLAN_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --sku B1 --is-linux

Deploy the Azure OpenAI resource

  1. Deploy an Azure OpenAI resource

    az cognitiveservices account create \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --kind OpenAI \
    --sku S0 \
  2. Deploy an Azure OpenAI Model

    az cognitiveservices account deployment create \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --deployment-name $AZURE_OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT \
    --model-version latest

Deploy the web app

  1. Build the container image

    From VS Code terminal, run the following command to build the container image. This will build the container image in Azure and push to your Azure Container Registry.

    az acr build --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --registry $CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME --image $CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME .
  2. Create the web app

    az webapp create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --name $WEB_APP_NAME \
    --assign-identity [system] \
    --role AcrPull \
    --scope /subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --acr-use-identity --acr-identity [system] \
    --container-image-name $CONTAINER_IMAGE_NAME
  3. Set environment variables

    az webapp config appsettings set --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
    --name contoso-sales \
    --settings \


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