The .NET Configuration Settings Helper makes reading from and writing to the application configuration file simpler.
Simply add a reference to the ConfigUtilities library and get an instance of the ConfigHelper or the ConnectionStringHelper class by calling the GetInstance method. Then, access or modify the app setting or connection string by using the obtained instance indexer.
The following is sample code to demonstrate the use of the ConfigUtilities library:
using ConfigUtilities;
namespace SaveSettingsToAppConfig
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var cfg = ConfigHelper.GetInstance();
var oldval = cfg["TestConfig"]; //this fetches the config value
cfg["TestConfig"] = "ThisConfig"; //this sets the config value
var cstr = ConnectionStringHelper.GetInstance();
var oldconnstr = cstr["TestConnStr"]; //this fetches the connection string
cstr["TestConnStr"] = "ThisConnStr"; //this sets the connection string