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Multi-Site Class-Incremental Learning with Weighted Experts in Echocardiography

under review at MICCAI workshop ASMUS-2024


Training an echocardiography view classifier that generalises and maintains performance in real-life cases requires diverse multi-site data, and frequent updates with newly available data to mitigate model drift. Simply fine-tuning on new datasets results in 'catastrophic forgetting', and can be challenging as the view labels vary between sites. Alternatively, collecting all data on a single server and re-training is not feasible as data sharing agreements may restrict image transfer, or make datasets available at different times. In addition, the time and cost associated with re-training is prohibitive and grows with every new dataset. We propose a class-incremental learning method which learns an expert network for each dataset, which are combined with a score fusion network. We minimize the influence of 'unqualified experts' by weighting each contribution by a learnt in distribution score. Our weighting method promotes transparency as the contribution of each expert is known during inference, and can enable multi-site learning by providing a simple workaround where licensing prevents image sharing but not the sharing of byproduct features. We validate our work on 6 datasets from multiple sites, demonstrating significant reductions in training time while improving view classification performance.


How to set up the environment and install dependencies.

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Navigate to the project directory
cd class-incremental-learning-echo

# Create a virtual environment (optional but recommended)
conda env create -n class-incremental-learning-echo --file=requirements.yml

# activate env
conda activate class-incremental-learning-echo


6 datasets were used in this study, of which 5 are proprietary and not publicly available. CAMUS dataset can be obtained here. For preprocessing steps, please refer to our paper. We assume all data stored in a separate data directory Data with the following structure:

   ├── dataset_b
   │   ├── train
   │       ├── 0001_Y.npy
   │       ├── 0002_Y.npy
   │       ├── ...
   │   ├── val 
   │   └── test
   ├── dataset_n1
   ├── ...
   └── dataset_nt

Where Y is the classification label.


We train several models in our work. Instruction for training each are below.

# First the base classifier need to be trained. 
# e.g In this project that is with WASE data
python --CONFIG wase_8_class --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

# For each incremental step, we train a new classifier initialising with base classifier weights. 
# e.g for CAMUS data. update camus_2_class.yaml with RUN_ID of the base classifier, and train
python --CONFIG camus_2_class --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

# To train the Combine & Retrain baseline 
python --CONFIG combine_all_and_retrain --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

To train the score fusion networks, we first need to compute the feature dataset.

# First the nmf vector for each classifier are calculated
# Replace RUN_ID weights in models.load_model.load_pretrained_avc with the weights of the classifiers you've trained
python --CONFIG extract_nmf --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> 

# Then we extract nmd, logits and image features which are used as input to SF/wSF models
python --CONFIG extract_augmented_featuers --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data>

# Repeat for val, test sets (no augmented)
python --CONFIG extract_val_test_featuers --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data>

# Train our attn-wSF network
python --CONFIG score_fusion_attn --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

# Train our nmd-wSF network
python --CONFIG score_fusion_nmd --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

# Train our SF network baseline
python --CONFIG score_fusion --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

To train on your own datasets, you will need to change some code. Here are some starters:

  • Each classifier requires a registered dataset in utils.load_dataset and a config yaml.
  • To train the wSF/SF models, you will also need to edit the list of incremental experts in models.load_models.load_pretrained_avc and utils.dataset_score_fusion.Score_Fusion
  • Likewise with the Combine & Retrain baseline, you need to edit the dataset lists in utils.dataset_combine_retrain.Combine_Retrain


We evaluate our model on an internal testset (WASE, CAMUS, Medstar, StG) and an external testset (MAHI, UoC).

# For SF networks e.g nmd-wSF 
python --CONFIG score_fusion_nmd --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

# For single classifiers e.g a model trained with CAMUS data
python --CONFIG camus_2_class --DATA_ROOT <path-to-data> --RUN_ID <name-of-run>

To evaluate on our own datasets, you will need to edit the list of classes and datasets in the files.


Results are saved to results/<RUN_ID> whenever a training run or evaluation script is launched.


We thank Tz-Ying Wu et at, the authors of 'Class-incremental learning with strong pre-trained models', which this paper builds on.


Under review at MICCAI workshop ASMUS






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