kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2024 -
v-diffusion-pytorch Public
Forked from crowsonkb/v-diffusion-pytorchv objective diffusion inference code for PyTorch.
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 15, 2022 -
contiguous-succotash Public
Recurrent Variational Autoencoder with Dilated Convolutions that generates sequential data implemented in pytorch
YouTokenToMe Public
Forked from VKCOM/YouTokenToMeUnsupervised text tokenizer focused on computational efficiency
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 28, 2021 -
fast-transformers Public
Forked from idiap/fast-transformersPytorch library for fast transformer implementations
contrastive-unpaired-translation Public
Forked from taesungp/contrastive-unpaired-translationContrastive unpaired image-to-image translation, faster and lighter training than cyclegan (ECCV 2020, in PyTorch)
Python Other UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
trax Public
Forked from google/traxTrax — your path to advanced deep learning
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 4, 2020 -
case-212 Public
Forked from developers-against-repressions/case-212Открытое письмо специалистов IT-индустрии в защиту фигурантов «московского дела»
Python UpdatedSep 19, 2019 -
amt Public
Adversarial Machine Translation with pytorch
attentive-translation Public
pytorch Transformer model with byte-pair encoding
bytenet Public
Pytorch implementation of bytenet from "Neural Machine Translation in Linear Time" paper
variational_dropout Public
Implementation of "Variational Dropout and the Local Reparameterization Trick" paper with Pytorch
ptb_batchloader Public
Batchloader for Penn Treebank dataset
cosmos Public
Forked from OpenGenus/cosmos[Show ❤️ love by 🌟] Your personal library of every algorithm and data structure code that you will ever encounter
bdir_vae Public
simple implementation of "Improved Variational Inference with Inverse Autoregressive Flow" paper with pytorch
mnist_cdvae Public
Сross Domain Autoencoding Variational Bayes Algorithm on MNIST
pytorch_NEG_loss Public
NEG loss implemented in pytorch
ContRVAE Public
Contiguous Recurrent Variational Autoencoder
hybrid_rvae Public
pytorch implementation of "A Hybrid Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation" Paper