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Brings externally referenced resources into a single file.


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Brings externally referenced resources, such as js, css and images, into a single file. This is a fork of grunt-inline, which seems to be no longer maintained.

For example:

<link href="css/style.css?__inline=true" rel="stylesheet" />

is replaced with

/* contents of css/style.css */

Javascript references are brought inline, and images in the html
and css blocks are converted to base-64 data: urls.

By default, only urls marked with `__inline` are converted, however this
behavior can be overrided via the `tag:` option.

## Getting Started
This plugin requires Grunt `~0.4.1`

If you haven't used [Grunt]( before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started]( guide, as it explains how to create a [Gruntfile]( as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

	npm install grunt-inline-alt --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


## The "grunt-inline" task

### Overview
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named `inline` to the data object passed into `grunt.initConfig()`.

	  inline: {
	    dist: {
	      src: 'src/index.html',
	      dest: 'dist/index.html'
### Options

#### dest
If dest is assigned, the the source file will be copied to the destination path. eg:
`src/index.html` will be processed and then copied to `dist/index.html`

	inline: {
		dist: {
			src: 'src/index.html',
			dest: 'dist/index.html'

### cssmin
If cssmin is assigned true, `.css` will be minified before inlined.

	inline: {
		dist: {
				cssmin: true
			src: 'src/index.html',
			dest: 'dist/index.html'

### tag (defaults to ```__inline```)
Only URLs that contain the value for ```tag``` will be inlined.
Specify ```tag: ''``` to include all urls.

	inline: {
		dist: {
				tag: ''
			src: 'src/index.html',
			dest: 'dist/index.html']

### inlineTagAttributes
Ability to add attributes string to inline tag.

	inline: {
		dist: {
				inlineTagAttributes: {
					js: 'data-inlined="true"',	// Adds ```<script data-inlined="true">...</script>```
					css: 'data-inlined="true"'	// Adds ```<style data-inlined="true">...</style>```
			src: 'src/index.html',
			dest: 'dist/index.html'

### uglify
If uglify is assigned true, `.js` file will be minified before inlined.

	inline: {
		dist: {
				uglify: true
			src: 'src/index.html',
			dest: 'dist/index.html'

### exts
Setting an exts array allows multiple file extensions to be processed as

	inline: {
		dist: {
			    exts: ['jade'],
				uglify: true
			src: 'src/index.jade',
			dest: 'dist/index.jade'

### Usage Examples

> config

	  inline: {
	    dist: {
	      src: 'src/index.html'

> src/index.html

			<link href="css/style.css?__inline=true" rel="stylesheet" />
			<img src="img/icon.png?__inline=true" />

			<script src="js/erport.js?__inline=true"></script>

> after `grunt inline` was run, it will be something like

					padding: 0;
			<! -- base64, a terrible mass you know…so just show a little bit ...-->
			<img src="idata:image/png;base64..." />

				var Report = (function(){
					return {
						init: function(){

#### inline tag
Suppose there is an `<inline>` tag in `index.html` like bellow

<!-- inline tag -->
<inline src="test.html" />

The content of `test.html` is

<p>I'm inline html</p>
<span>hello world!</span>

Then, after the `inline` task is run, the original content in `index.html` will be replaced with

<p>I'm inline html</p>
<span>hello world!</span>

## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using [Grunt](

## Release History
* 2015-04-15 v0.3.10 bug fix: remove warnings when inlining favicons
* 2015-04-09 v0.3.9 bug fix: support custom tags for image urls in css
* 2015-04-09 v0.3.8 bug fix: support different order of tags in icon links
* 2015-04-09 v0.3.6 doc update
* 2015-04-09 v0.3.5 add feature: support for inlining favicons
* 2015-04-09 v0.3.4 fork: fork project, fix tests and merge a number of pull requests
* 2015-01-09 v0.3.3 bug fix: when processing files of a folder and then copy the processed content to another destination, the original files are changed unexpectedly, as mentioned in this issue [Support file globbing for input and output](
* 2014-06-16 v0.3.1 bug fix: protocol-relative urls in css are messed up
* 2014-06-15 v0.3.1 bug fix: when options.tag is '', then all img tags, whose src attribute has already been inlined will be matched.
* 2014-05-19 v0.3.0 support for new options.exts
* 2014-05-19 v0.2.9 bug fix: options.tag is assigned '', bug image url in css are not converted to base64 formate
* 2014-03-06 v0.2.6 bug fix: script tags like <script src="index.js?__inline">\n</script> were not inlined
* 2014-01-31 v0.2.3 radded tag option, encode url(..) images.
* 2013-10-31 v0.2.2 bug fix: img urls like 'background: url(' will be transformed to 'background: url(url('
* 2013-10-30 v0.2.1 bug fix: when processing relative file path of img url in css stylesheet, forgot to transform "\" to "/" for windows users
* 2013-10-30 v0.2.0 new feature: Support for minifing js、css when they ar inlined into html.
* 2013-08-30 v0.1.9 bug fix: stylesheets ended with ">" cannot be inlined
* 2013-09-02 v0.1.9 add feature: add options.dest to assign a destination path where the source file will be copied
* 2013-09-02 v0.1.8 add feature: support for `<inline>` tag


Brings externally referenced resources into a single file.







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  • HTML 85.7%
  • JavaScript 14.3%