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Martin S edited this page Jul 5, 2013 · 7 revisions


This is a quick introduction to 'TeamCity.Specflow.Reporting'. Enjoy!


TeamCity.Specflow.Reporting is a low ceremony, convention over configuration, PowerShell module that automates the process of displaying SpecFlow reports.

It also, automatically, handles the error caused by .NET 4 or higher:

"The element <ParameterGroup> beneath element <UsingTask> is unrecognized."

...discussed here.

It's distributed via NuGet and requires minimal configuration in TeamCity.


I've looked at some of the examples of creating SpecFlow reports in TeamCity and thought that it was quite a manual/repetitive task. I created some of these PowerShell scripts for me alone and they worked quite well so I though I'd might as well distribute them and maybe they will help someone else.


The PowerShell module that you use only contains one "public" function, Invoke-TeamCitySpecFlowReport. Everything is convention based which means that if you haven't changed the defaults it will just work. You can of course change many of the default conventions if you like to. Read more about the defaults right here.

Next let's look at an easy example -->

What's Required

  • PowerShell 3.0