I’m Jean-David, I work as a researcher at Université Laval’s @modelEAU group. We work on water quality modelling , which leads us to do things like running a full-scale pilot wastewater treatment plant called pilEAUte and creating a data model to collect, store and contextualize water quality data (datEAUbase).
Sometimes, having friendly interfaces between the hard data and the people using it can make the actual science much smoother and way more fun.
While working with the group, I’ve developed:
- A python toolkit to collect, process and analyze sensor data coming from a RODTOX device (an organic matter analyser for wastewater plants).
- Plotly-dash web apps to access, extract and clean up wastewater data from the our pilot plant’s database and SCADA, and to see the plant’s performance in real-time.
- Automatic reporting and visualization tools for testing the efficacy of wastewater treatment strategies using live sensor data (AvN project).
Recently I’ve been excited to contribute to the Canada-wide effort to track SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater by contributing to Big-Life-Lab’s Ottawa Data Model for wastewater-based epidemiology and developing visualization and data parsing tools that support this model.
Thanks for stopping by! 🤜🏻🤛🏽